Nightmare Read Count : 98

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

No boats on the river bank, 

No birds in the sky, 

No butterflies on the flowers, 

Nothing eccept hte nightmare during the sleep.

No great white river seems to be white, 

No great blue sku seems to be blue. 

No great green grass seems to be green.

Nothing is colourful but the nightmare between the sleep. 

                           No boats                                         Sink in the river at night.

                          No birds 

              Fly in the sky at night. 

                       No butterflies 

          Suck nectar from flowers.

Nothing is in motion eccept the nightmare during the dream. 

     No river is hauted

No sky is scary 

                      No flowers are uncany

But the night mare during the sleep.  

   Boats wake up the river, 

    Birds wake up the sky,

   Butterflies wake up the flower,

But no one is there to wake me up from the nightmare at the end of the sleee





    Jun 07, 2018

  • Jun 07, 2018

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