Our Trip Half-way Across The World~~~ Chapter 3 Read Count : 103

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy

I think we're all ganna die. But then I remember I have teliportation powers. "Girls grab onto me!" We all grab onto each other. I think really hard about a spot not filled with water then... ~~~POOF~~~ were in a spot that looks to good to be true. The grass is a bright green and the sky is a pretty blue color. I stand garud and I pull my staff The girls do the same.


Ka'Mae: Water staff (controls water)

Yali: Animal staff (controls closest animals around

Silver: weather staff (control's weathere in that area)

And Me: object staff ( I make object's come to life)

We stand watch then something happens... the grass loses its color and the sky turns gray. That could only mean one thing.... cakamora  pernounced (kaka-more-ra). 

Cakamora: evil, wants to kill all human beings, looks like a weird shadow thing with black bones, tall and skinny very very  skinny 

We stand close together so we could face cakamora but we didn't know what we were in for......


  • Jun 07, 2018

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