How It All Happened Read Count : 104

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure

How did it all happen. Oh! Right you don't know the whole story. wait are you and I talking about the same adventure? Anyway this is how it ALL started at Raphael Gardener, son of Sir Thomas Gardener and Lady Elizabeth Gardener very nice folk. They come from a long line of lawyers  and very gifted family.

A very rich happy family they all were happy. This all would chance Raphael was scared it was pouring rain and his father hadn't gotten back from his hunting trip he could hear his mother crying. “ He should have been back an hour ago”! She was starting to lose her patience. She went upstairs to comfort Raphael. She told him that she got a telegram and he was coming home. (she lied) then “bang, bang, bang” she told him to stay in his room until she called him she opened the door slowly with a gun in her hand she didn’t known how to use it but she said “it's the thought that counts”. She opened the door and her husband was standing there with his hands up. She dropped the gun and jumped into his arms she was so relieved that her love was home. “ There's no time to wait we have to go someone saw me and thought that i killed a man that i found dead in the forest. Now the police are after me”.” we will tell them the truth” “what like they're going to believe a woman! no way we pack and leave tomorrow i can't risk losing raphael! or you  i love you elizabeth which is why i'm not coming with you”.”why is this always the case it is not that to come when we need you most. when i need you most. You don't have to do this i don't want them to hurt you once they find out that you let us go they'll come after us”. “ Come after you any way if you aren't going neither am i. no! you are going without me and that is final! elizabeth you leave elizabeth was crying,he tried to comfort her but she pushed him away and ran off. he started to look for her. thomas yelled her name for hours still no sign. he began to worry “Elizabeth, elizabeth where are you. he stopped dead in his tracks dropped the candle to the ground he ran upstairs to Raphael's room but he wasn't there! he heard a scream coming from the kitchen!he ran as fast as he could. he wife was cornered by a man with green eyes black hair he had a scar on his right cheek. “ elizabeth” yelled thomas, as he watched the man pull out his revolver. then suddenly raphael jumped on the man and started to punch him and kick and yell don't hurt my mother of course from a 6 year old boy it didn't hurt that much he got back up raphael realized he wasn't doing much but their was one thing that he new hurt every boy and every man im not going to say but he kicked him there and he was howling. thomas grabbed elizabeth and raphael they all ran out.” wait what about our luggage”.said elizabeth. we can't go back now do you want to get killed.  thomas you are reaching my last nerve and its going to explode you.elizabeth”s face was turning red. we are stand ing the pouring rain with a murderer in our house. “ why don't we tell the police”. suggested raphael. why don't we? Said Elizabeth. we can't tell the cops do you kn…..! yes! i know what they'll do could you this once give our suffering child the benefit if the doubt, just this once he needs this he doesn't need us fighting especially without a roof over our head and us yelling after what just happened.please stop. said raphael.if we are going to stand out here less than a mile and yell that's practically telling him come and murder us.”Raphael is right we should go”. where would we go everyone is looking for you thomas, you need to come forward tell them you aren’t the murderer and what if they don't believe me then they will take me prisoner. when the time come this happens to everyone I will be…. I know what happens you. Then you know why I can't tell them. ok you won't have to tell them, but you must listen to me. mommy we have to go i think i'm going to be sick by standing out in the rain.please can we go.yes let’s go thomas. As the Gardeners headed out into something they might not survive. Later that night, “mommy i don’t feel so……….BLLEEEWW”! “ohh! raphael baby”. “ Thomas get over here you son just threw up! Thomas!! “ Huu what”! “i said that your son threw up and you don’t give darn. all you are worried about yourself and nothing else”! “ remember when you were out then you came back all drunk that was so help so where were you you said that darn library  but you were at the bar”! “i was not”! “wait! shhhhhhh! “Where is raphael?” “ raphael!” “raphael! where are you?” then they heard a rough voice. “here he is” when they turned around they saw thomas in the arms of the scar faced man with the revolver to his head. “raphael” yelled Elizabeth. it was no help to him the scar faced man’s name turned out to be Jack terrier he was a mask murderer a robber and framer of all things. Jack started giving them commands like to give. them the key to the safe that holds all of the money and prised possessions. they did everything they asked him to do. Jack threw raphael on the ground and shot his leg. Elizabeth and Thomas both ran to him . poor raphael was swallowed the pain. raphael was bleeding so bad Elizabeth ran up the grand staircase and ripped a piece of of her bed sheet and tied it around where the bullet hole was. raphael was screaming because of the pain that the bullet gave off. The light faded out of sight and little raphaels eyes shut.


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