Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Bullies are nothing but whimps behind closed doors. Today we live in a world full of bullies and many kids are victimized by these predators. It's sad. I have a friend named Troy and he's in grade 3. He's a small little guy and I try to help him by being his friend and keeping him safe. He often gets pushed around because he's so little and it makes me sad because no kid should ever have to be treated in a bad manner. It's bullcrap!!!!
I go to a small Catholic school in Pittsburgh and our classes are anywhere from 12 to 15 students in each grade. Most of us are all good friends and we respect each other. But no matter what there is always that one jerk face who likes to make trouble. We have this one jerk face kid in grade 7 and he's the one who bullies my friend Troy and other kids at my school also. Today me and my two friends Dominick and Tyler followed the jerk face into the cafeteria and sat down with him. We had a nice little chat with jerk face and I'm pretty sure we scared him. I don't think jerk face will be acting like a jerk face anymore. I thought we did the right thing.
I don't believe in hurting others. I disagree with it. Be nice to other's and help someone if you can. Make someone smile or laugh. Make someone's day. Make a difference in this world. Treat people the way you want to be treated. The end. JJ Hancock
Justin Waddle
I also had buddy that always got picked on everyday this boy would punch my buddy in the mouth and everyday my buddy would go home after school and pick his lips out of his braces this went on for a couple of months till one day my buddy decided to stand up for him self he left class to go to the bathroom right before the end of the period and he put his lock from hus locker in one of his socks and waited on the bell to ring as the bully to came out of class he got hit right in his mouth with that lock in asock. needless to say that bully not so much as looked my way again coarse that was in the the early early 90's. so the moral to the story is bullies are not as big and bad as they make you think they are. and drastic times call for drastic measures, you only have to stand up for yourself one time. and if you make an example out of one noone else will test, I dont know whats wrong with these kids taking guns to school that didnt happen back then kids got in fist fights then they pretty much could shake handsand it was over sometimes you win sometimes you dont .
Jun 07, 2018