First Love Read Count : 113

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
Maddie came near me and I could feel my heart racing, faster than lightning. My face, it was burning up. I can’t believe I actually liked her. I mean I knew nothing about her. Well I knew she loved acting at the theatre and also her name, but that was it. 
Then I started to know the small things. How her smile could brighten up your day, how her eyes where as blue as the sky, how nothing could ever bring her down, how beautiful she was. I couldn’t believe I was in love. I had nobody to tell. Not my friends, my family, nobody. I couldn’t risk making things awkward as she was in my form. I couldn’t tell my friend as it would make things so awkward because she was their best friend. 
All I want to do is tell her how I feel but I don’t have enough courage. I would completely embarrass myself. If maddie knew I liked her then so would the whole school, if the school knew then I would die of embarrassment. 


  • Jun 06, 2018

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