Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
She was a dark hair beauty from  New York. Always turning heads wherever she went. She knew she was attractive but none of that was relevant in her mind. Hayley was a mom and wife who strived to be a better person than she once had been. She had an innocent 'girl next door' appearance but deep down her imperfections were still engraved in her soul. The fire she walked through while doing time in hell was still vivid and present in her mind.  She danced around the ring of fire with the devil himself but she walked away and found a better way to live. An ideal life with the ideal husband is what she believed in. She found a profession in the blogging world and became successful in a very short time. She was inspiring to other's and would save the whole world if the possibilities would allow so.

He was a sportswriter from Dallas Texas, very talented. Jayden was married and had three beautiful daughters. He read alot of articles and blogs. But his life changed once he discovered Hayley. There was something about the way she wrote, conveyed her words, her appearance, just her in general. He was in a state of postcognition.There was something about this woman and he was dying to find out. An unfamiliar sensation that was immensely powerful.

Jayden sent an instant message to Hayley after reading a few of her stories and was gravitated to her words. "Hi Hayley, just wanted to say your posts are absolutely wonderful and I gained alot of insight from them. Thanks for posting. Have a great day! - Jay

Hayley's viewpoint 

I have a lot of reader's on my blog site who read my posts and leave me comments, instant messages but this message was far different than any ordinary feedback or message I ever received. I felt a powerful energy lingering in my presence when I read his words, it was exhilarating. I was drawn to him but only responded by thanking him for his kind words. Even though I responded in a simple manner, my thoughts were consumed by this man. Why was I drawn to this complete stranger? Why was my intuition screaming out at me, did I know this person? Something was pulling me in and I would wait to see if he contacted me again. I hoped that he would.

He sent another message the following day. Now my attention was all his. "I just wanted to say hello again and by the way you are an awesome writer. I know this sounds crazy but I feel like I've known you my whole life. I don't know what it is about you I know you from somewhere? I swear I met you before. Anyhow hope you're having a great day and hope to hear back.            

"Oh my God!" I dropped my coffee cup on the ground as I read that second message. The cup shattered all over the kitchen floor, I was dumbfounded. 

I message him back and we began to talk more often. Jayden was originally from New York but on the opposite end of the state. For a moment I began to wonder if we had crossed paths at one point in time but the sensation of deja vu wasn't pertaining to the past in this life. It was much more intense. It was more along the line of retrocognition from a past life. The conversations became more frequent, we had spoken to each other when time allowed it and texting was an everyday ritual. 

Three months later

I was having a long distance relationship with Jayden and I had to see him. I made plans in advance to drive out to Texas and meet my mystery man. I contacted a medium and plotted this whole trip out in advance. I had to find out why this connection was becoming so intense. I was falling for a man that resided two-thousand miles away. 
He was married, I was married and this was the wildest experience I ever had.

 I made it to Dallas and texted him when I arrived at my suite. I had two full days to spend in The Lonestar State before driving back to New York. I took a hot shower after driving for two full days. By the time I got out, I threw on a t-shirt and shorts and brushed out my long hair. Then I hear a knock at my door. It couldn't be him already, not that quickly. I walked out and opened the door, it was him. He stared into my eyes and I became lost in his. He was tall with brown hair and big blue eyes. He walked into the suite and wrapped his arms around me, staring into my eyes even more. He grabbed my face and pulled me in and kissed me like no one ever had before. It felt natural, as if I kissed him a million times already. The way he touched my soft skin and ran his fingers through my hair, I was all his and it felt so right. We spent the next three hours making love, talking about life and everything in between. We laughed and connected so perfectly. Was I a whore or was this supposed to transpire? The next day we would reveal the facts. 

The next morning I woke up early and got ready to spend the day with him. He picked me up and we went straight into the city. I was nervous but happy at the same time. We got to this medium where she did all her work from home. This house was huge yet very old. The foyer had a wide staircase that curved up in a backwards C shape, the ceilings were high and the woodwork along the doorways and were beautiful. For its time it was probably once lived in by a wealthy person. We ended up in a dining room at a large table that sat eight chairs, three on each side and one on each end. There was a  fireplace in this dining area, it wasn't burning but there were several candles lit on the mantle and on the table. I was holding Jayden's hand the whole walk through. I looked at him and he looked at me and smiled. Then we sat down directly accross from one another. 

Adrianna was a middle-aged woman, about five feet two inches tall and carried a few extra pounds. She had black hair with grey streaks and had it wrapped up in a bun. She wore a long dress and reminded me of a gypsy without the crystal ball. She began with this off the wall opening, some type of prayer to begin the session. She closed out the prayer and began gazing into the candlelight. Then she began conversing. 

"The year is 1851" Adrianna uttered.

"Yeah" I said.

"Hold on it's coming to me, let me dig deeper" she explained. "You were a southern belle and you met Jayden at a masquerade when you were teenagers. You went by the name Katherine  and Jayden your name was Andrew." 

She kept zoning in and out. Jayden was staring into my eyes again with that smile he gave me when we seen one another for the first time. It was captivating, my stomach was fluttering the whole time. 

"you fell for each other quickly and were married the following year. Before you took Hayley to be your wife she was expecting your first daughter, Mindy Sue. You had three more children after all within five couldn't keep your hands off her Jayden. She was your first love and your only. You had a good ten years together." 

"Why what happened?" I asked in concern.

"April 12th, 1861...Fort Sumpter, South Carolina. The Civil War began. Jayden you were a soilder in the Confederate Army...and you lost your life that day at age twenty-seven...Hayley was never the same after you were gone. She visited your grave often with your four children...she never remarried or found anyone else. She raised those babies all alone and passed away from pneumonia in 1889 at age fifty-four. That's all I can proclaim at this time. 

I was blown away by everything I just heard. Now what happens? Do we stay together or just go back to our same old lives we were already living prior to this three months of connecting? If we even tried explaining this to anyone they would think we were crazy anyhow or perhaps we would both be signed in 302 style at the looney bin. Jayden and I walked out of that medium's residence, hand in hand and lost for words but we were smiling at each other the whole time.

Find out what happens on the next episode of Kindred Spirits - Wife from another life. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day! 💙💚



  • Jun 05, 2018

  • Jun 06, 2018

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