The Warped Issue 3 Read Count : 25

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Science Fiction

I took several steps back, as I stumbled. Desperately trying to stay upright as my chest was a blaze. The two cracked ribs in my already bruising chest  keeping me from  making a quick and speedy exit. The other messenger of death slowly approaching, faster then I could move. Its glowing red eyes narrowing at me as it took another step. he started to creep over clicking his tongue three times

Tlick. Tlick. Tlick.

 Standing my ground and mustering all my strength. i raised my gun  at the tower of muscle. Knowing it was futile, but what other choice did I have. The adrenaline unable to suppress the pain any longer. I  shrieked, "Die motherfucker..." As my strength gave out with the squeeze of the trigger. Bam! the bullet missed its mark, bouncing off the cement just inches from its feet.  Defeated I thought to myself, "Well this is it". unable to gather anymore strength I closed my eyes readying for the quick release of death.


I opened my eyes amazed that I was still alive. One of the  giant rat monsters from hell flew,  its neck already snapped before it hit the pawn shop. Its body smashing through the window with ease. Shattered glass rained done over its lifeless body.  The firing of the gun must of attracted it, as it looked for the source of its comrades true killer.


Another rat jumped out of the alley way with an ear splitting roar. only to be smashed down in an instant. his carcass becoming a pool of smashed organs spreading out on the floor.  The horde shifting from its prior victim to mr. Muscles. His tongue continuously clicking as he successfully crushed any rat naive enough to step out of line.

This was my chance! With him distracted by his game of wack-a-rat, i limped away. The world going dark as my head spun. Every fiber in my body telling me to stop as I forced myself forward.  The pounding becoming more moist with every thud. it was clear that mr. Muscles would be the victor. I had to get away before then or it was curtains for me. I gripped my chest tighter with my hand the sting of pain snapping me back to reality with everything squeeze.

I made my way into a restaurant along the corner.  It was your typical hole in the wall with burgers on the menu. The chairs thrown about, and the tables once forming a makeshift barricade. A barricade that was now in shambles covered in more black sludge long sense dried. Trails of blood tracked from the toppled tables straight out the front door. The heat still burning and my teeth buzzing. I made a break for the back I needed a place to hide. I knew i was going to die , and if i was I wanted to die in peace not pieces. 

My hands once again touched the cool metal of a heavy door as I leaned against what I was looking for.  A huge walk in fridge lied before me as I fought to get the latch to pop open.  My legs giving out as i did, i fell forward the door slamming against the heel of my foot as it swung back.  i struggled to crawl in making my way towards the back wall, the icy cold air shooting shock waves down my spine with every breath. I was safe for now as I dropped myself against the wall, sliding down to the floor as i sat up. Everything fading to black as I struggled to stay awake.

I had lost the battle as I slipped off into another dream. the dream playing like an old film brimming with static.  The trees blocked out the sun as I moved forward.  An assault rifle close to my chest as I slipped behind another tree, motioning for my team to advance with a salute.  their faces were hidden from site. a mask of Swirled flesh were their faces should be. Obscured voices muddled together as they talked. the humidity causing us all to sweat profusely as we made our way to our target.  Realizing something was a miss as well came to a break in the trees, I came to a stop as my team flew past me. one by one they slowly faded into the trees. A thick dark conapy of rainforest surrounded me on all signs. I stood there alone as the world took on a red hue. Slowly, clouds began to block out the rays of sunshine.

I looked up at the sky as rain began to fall, the cool droplets rolling down my face and my held out hands.  The water pooling in them as I looked on. It was thick and warm with a scent of cooper as it rippled from the center. The Realization That this was the blood of my comrades.  i  tossed the pool in my hand in disgust. Wiping  my hands on my pants in a futile attempt to cleanse them of their blood. I stood there limp,  soaked head to toe as the rain poured down filling the forest as if to drown the world.  their nameless graves all now circling me as if to blame me for their deaths. The river of blood now at my waist and quickly rising, I held my breath as it engulfed me. All reason falling away as I drowned dying in a pool of their blood.

There was no pain. There was no death. There was only silence.

Gasping for air, I snapped back to the real world. my heartbeat racing from another insane nightmare. This better not be a thing. I for one vote for at least one good dream before this is all over. i stood up light on my feet. The dire situation came back to me in and instant as I grabbed my chest. 

"It doesn't hurt"!? I yelled in absolute amazement. Pulling up my shirt the blackened bruises that should of been there had mostly vanished. I pushed down on  my once shattered ribs expecting unbearable pain.  Instead i was greeted with a dull ache of any normal bruise."what?" I asked out to the empty space in confusion. my air ways clear as I took in another deep breath. a new fear overtook me as I connected the dots. I began to  Throw containers of rotted food off the shelves in a fit of rage.  "what did they do to me"!, the realization that they made me into a monster as I gripped the sauce shelf. 

 Letting go I backed up against the wall, pushing my long black hair up over my head with both hands as I tried to think. Was I going to be one of those things? If so how long did I have? My subconscious telling me what I already knew. If that were the case, if im really going to end up like them.  Then, I should just end it right here.

I lifted the gun turning it in my hands to stare at the barrel. It had saved my life once before and it'll do it again right now. Holding back tears I placed the gun in my mouth clamping my teeth down over the shaking muzzle. every fiber in my body resisting as I fought to pull the trigger to no avail. I screamed out loudly as my fingers finally gave in.

Click... Click. Click.

The clip was empty as I pulled the gun from my mouth." I can't believe I almost..."  I said my chest heaving slowing. The dread subsiding as I realized what I almost did. I holstered the empty gun laughing as tears blurred my vision.  I took a step pushing off the the cold steel wall of the fridge. "i cant even die properl...".  


The wall behind me gave way as i spun towards the sound. Cut off from even finishing my last train of thought. a pair of giant bloody fist had  torn the wall apart like paper lifting me off the ground. My feet dangling as they pulled me through the dusty cloud that was once the back wall.  Choking on the dust as I was greeted to the glowing red eyes of mr. Muscles. 

A grin spread across its face revealing yellow crusted teeth as he revelled in his catch. Giant maggots squirming in the rotted flesh in each gap. His warm rancid breath warfting over me as he breathed. it felt like  time dragged on forever as mr. Muscles began to force his fist shut. My bones creaking under the stress forcing a pitiful shriek to make its way way out of my mouth. My dangeling legs frantically kicking on their own as the pain became unbearable.

 ba bum. Ba dup. ba bum. Ba ba dup ba bum ba dup.

  the audible sound of My heart beat sky rocketing as the blood coarsed through my veins. Any second now he would pop me like a fine bottle of wine. The heat deep within boiling me alive as our skin touched.  The bare flesh that made contact sending a vulgar wave up my arm. It felt as if something was festering under my flesh as I desperately fought to break free. Suddenly a miracle happened the foul wave was gone as my arms began to budge. A gap formed giving me a gasp of air as  I sucked it down desperately. 


Mr. Muscles railed as he chattered his teeth. Displeased  as I strained to push back his death grip. His palms now completely separated as I struggled to hold him at bay. Still hovering off the ground the weight lightening every second. I felt strong, every muscle in my arms bursting with raw power. I crooned back mockingly as I pushed off rocketing to the ground.  His fist slamming shut  with a deafening sound as they clamped together. my head barely missing his vice as i made contact with the floor in a crouched position. 

An opening!

I shifted my weight  as I pulled my arms in. steadying myself for the finishing blow as I took a step forward.  Pulling my arm  back further as I prepared for an uppercut. I made my move as i catapulted my fist upwards at my nemesis. My fist had found its mark., The punch landing vertically into his  peculiarly large six pack .  with a loud oomph! Mr. Muscles was lifted an inch off the ground. 

my piercing  death glare slipping away into shock as my fist completed its movement. The force of the  blow more than I could of possibly imagined. As  muscles fumbled back, a gruesome crater where my punch landed mere seconds ago. 

The battle was finally over



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