Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
I was going through my dark times.
Thoes are the times that i did alot of bullshit that caused myself pain and scars.
You were the only one who knew about it.You knew alot like my problems, how to help fix it, and how to protect me.
I know we did argue alot, broke up, and for some reason the universe pretty much said ,"hell no" and dragged us back together.
Then we ended up getting together again and its amazing you showed up when i needed you most, but I didn't tell you that anything was wrong.
Because of you i feel so much better.
You brought back our old things and i pretty much showed you new things, while you showed me something new too.
We enjoyed that night.
I planned some future stuff and being able to have more nights like that too.
And our long ass phone call yesterday was the best I have ever had in a long while.
You made me feel amazing and i hope I made you feel the same too.
Sometimes it's hard to pick up the phone and call or text when i want cause I'm busy.
But i always and promise to the fact I have time for you always and forever.
And i can't wait for our next convo.😙😙
I know and hope you know that I LOVE YOU!!!