Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Thriller
"It's jammed!" I screamed as I tried to open the door. Air yanked at the door handle and screamed again as the huge, dark creature staggered towards me, "Somebody! Help!" I screamed it over and over again until my voice cracked and I could no longer speak.
Rue rushed at the huge, black blob and hit it in the eye with her steel fist. Nothing happened. She hit it again and it picked her up by the ear and tossed her away like an unwanted doll. This made me scream even more as I rattled the door handle. I screamed at the unconscious Rue, telling her to wake up and help, but Rue didn't move. Blood trickled down her head.
I could feel the tears streaming down my cheeks as I left the door and tried to reach my big sister, but the chains around my wrists wouldn't let me. I was pinned to the door with black metal, screaming for Rue to wake up. She was still breathing, at least. In a few moments, I, however, would be stone cold.
Forgetting about my fears, I turned to the dark creature and stared at it dead on it's black, knowing eyes. When I saw those eyes, I felt a rush of energy so powerful that I was lifted off my feet. Lightning crackled between my fingertips and I could almost- no, I could- see the energy in the room. The dark creature let off an illuminated pink light, whilst Rue had purely green energy surrounding her that seemed to be like a light switch being played with by a transfixed toddler. I turned my attention back to the energy that surrounded the black blob and... Picked at it. The blob shrank away when I did so, so I grabbed the crackling energy like a tug of war ripe and yanked. The force hit me so hard that for a few moments I didnt know what to do, but once I regained my whereabouts, I soon realised that the blob was nowhere to be seen, nor was it's strange energy. I smiled.
The chains snapped easily once the black thing had disappeared; I crouched down before Rue and her dying energy. If I could take energy, maybe I could give it? I decided it was worth a shot and held my breath as I watched my own white energy shoot straight into the horrible green and swirl around for a few minutes. Horror swept over me when I realised that it was killing my sister rather than saving her. I plucked some of her green energy and felt it roll around inside my hand, before scrunching it up with the lightning and thinking the word 'normal'. Nothing was normal anymore, though, so I changed my thought to 'Rue'. After a few minutes, I opened my hand to see a brilliant yellow energy buzzing around in my palm. It flowed into She's veins qnd, suddenly, the green disappeared and there was... Nothing... No, a pale, flowing yellow light surrounded Rue like an aura. Maybe it was an aura? All that I knew was that my big sister was alive, somehow, because of the weird energy she had once had. She didn't have any crackling energy anymore, though, because she was still healing and it would take time. Somehow, though, I knew that she would live.
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