Screaming Read Count : 149

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror

He keeps me up, screaming in my head. I don't know what I did to deserve this but he won't shut up! I pray every day and night for some silence but it never comes. A constant piercing scream that rings through my mind 24-7, and it never fades or goes away. It has gotten to the point to where it's a dull roar in the back of my mind during the day. But at night I can't ignore it. It brings out all of my worst fears, my paranoia gets the best of me and I end up not sleeping. I feel as if I'm always being watched, but only at night, only when I'm alone and have nothing to distract me from the screaming. I try to hide, but it never works. I feel as if someone is going to grab me and take me away. I can't sleep for days, sometimes weeks until the fatigue takes me under and I collapse of sleep deprivation. But then I dream of empty faces that are laughing and watching me. I can never escape the fear and the screaming. The dreams are riddled with laughter and screaming. I don't know what it wants or what I'm supposed to do anymore. I just want the screaming to stop! 

It has been two years since the screaming has started and I feel as if I have gotten used to it by now. I have figured out that if I try to ignore it then it just becomes louder, but if I just focus on other things the screaming seems to die down. Even though I know it's not getting quieter, it still helps me not focus on it. It has been eight days since I last got any sleep and I'm reaching my limit, I will collapse soon if I don't force myself to get some sleep. But that's the one thing that I dread more than the screaming. Sleep brings nightmares and the nightmares make me feel worse than when I fell asleep. But I need to sleep or I will collapse in public where anyone can see me thrashing around and hear me screaming from the nightmares. I get home and take sleeping pills to force myself to sleep. It never takes long for the medication to kick in because I'm already halfway asleep when I take them. I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. My dream starts out the same, me sitting up in my bed and looking around to find the source of the laughter. I can never find it but I alway try. The laughter gets louder, loud enough to cover the sound of the screaming. I close my eyes and cover my ears even though I know that it won't help. The next time I open my eyes I'm in a cage surrounded by people with no faces, only jagged smiles and pointed teeth. The laugh louder and louder as my feet rises. There is something new in this dream. All of the people are holding blood soaked knifes and they are pointing them at me at they slowly walk closer. Their laughter gets louder are more crazed. I scream and jolt out of bed waking up from the nightmare.


  • Jun 03, 2018

  • I love it would give 5 stars but not my kind of writing

    Jun 03, 2018

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