Why Me Read Count : 117

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Why are ones like me always getting mistreated

Why are ones like me always getting knocked down 

Why are ones like me always getting talked down

Why are ones like me always getting pushed around by our loved ones

Why are ones like me always losing battles when we fight for whats right

We maybe outsiders cut from a different cloth 

We stand tall for what we believe in

We fight our battles like no one is watching

We need to start letting our light shine for all to see

We need to knock those walls down to show how different we are 

God did not put us here to get mistreated

God did not put us here to get knocked down


  • Lewis and joshs Writing

    Lewis And Joshs Writing

    Hello I have same problem with this, to fix u have to write it on this app either after or in general

    Jun 02, 2018

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