Minister Of Propaganda Read Count : 242

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
I have seen many poltical mouth pieces in my years of watching politicans but no one as dangerous as Kelly Ann Conway. She consistently attacks the press by questioning their motive on any question or statement that is not directly out of the Bannon playbook, meaning anything said that does not stroke the ego of "Dear Leader". Attempting to intimidate the press in this fashion will not work over the long haul. Those in the american public who haven't a clue will eventually find one and will realize how un-american and dangerous this type of behavior is. Soon everything the Conway- Spicer "alternative fact" nitwit team utters will be dismissed for what it is, lies.


  • Sam wheeler

    Sam Wheeler

    Everytime she appears on TV her face just looks like it's melting more and more - SAD!

    Jan 27, 2017

  • Mar 12, 2017

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