Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
Or did I? A soft knock at the door. "Boss? Amy came in from the kill. She said she knows what happened to Summer. Oh Boss do change your shirt alright. If she's awake. You don't want her to be scared cause you have blood on your shirt." "That'll be all Ashley." I just remembered the blood on his shirt, it brought back a smell of something. Was it the burning flesh room? Or was it my pain? Darkness started to overtake me and be for I knew it I was passed out. "Boss. Mom's passed out. I don't think she's breathing. BOSS!!!" He ran to Summer's beside and tried to feel her heartbeat he found none. He started giving orders ." Start a IV. Grab the lifesavers. Come on were losing a life. She S going under ......-"