SPINACH SPILL Read Count : 135

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : LifeStyle

	I got an email from a friend tonight telling me about her beautiful quiche that she made and thought it was so beautiful that she should have invited friends over for dinner. That is, until she dropped it getting it out of the oven. It reminded me of the many spills, drops and breaks I have done since I got the FMS. We have tile floors and everything you drop can break, usually breaks into thousands of tiny pieces that go everywhere. I find pieces weeks later still appearing sometimes in the middle of the floor and I wonder how they got there as I know I cleaned that floor scrupulously. The worse time I dropped something though was when I dropped a corning ware dish with chopped spinach in it. It went e v e r y w h e r e. Bob had to move the stove, the refrigerator and everything off the floor. We even found it in cabinets that were closed. It left green stains all over that were hard to get off. Months later we still would find little spots of it.

© Copyright by Jean E. Gorney 2018.06.27

P.S. I appreciate anybody sending me any typos they see as I hope to make these memories into a book for my children. Thanks for reading my story. 


  • Jun 16, 2018

  • Jun 17, 2018

  • Aug 18, 2018

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