Category : Stories
Sub Category : Fantasy
The spring feels so nice. After months of cold and snow, the sun felt wonderful. You could just stand there, soaking it all in. It makes you feel like everything will get better. You know it could snow again, but for now, everything is okay. The warmth reflected off your face, making you smile. That smile could rival the sun any day. You are the spring, bringing warmth and joy in this cold world. Your light shines in all of the dark places. You make everyone so happy, yet you are not. Even though you are the spring, you can’t help but feel rainy and gloomy. Maybe one-day winter will stop holding you back and summer will bring you up on your feet and twirl you around. But for now, you’re stuck being weighed down by the sullenness of winter. You still manage to shine, however, and for that, you are loved.