Lost Read Count : 108

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Drama
One spring morning, a lovely,little girl named Annie was at home with her mum,dad,little sister and big brother. Her mums name is Sarah. Her dads name is John. Her brothers name is Cayleb. Her sisters name is Hayley. They are a very happy family so nice, they had a youtube channel called bratayley. Annie was a really good gymnastics person and so was her little sister Hayley. They loved to do gymnastics every where they were. That night, the hole family was up and it was nine O'clock and they were filming an eat it or wear it challenge video. "Right guys that is it for this video today remember to like and subscribe for future VIDEOS! Bye!" Sarah exclaimed ending the video. "It's getting late I think we should all head to bed."John said in a quiet voice. "Yeah."Everyone replied going up the stairs to bed. "Goodnight." The hole family said to each other. Everyone got tucked up in bed and fell straight to sleep. Annie woke up to get a glass of water. She trodden down the stairs and into the kitchen. She started to hear strange noise coming from her bedroom that she had just left. "What's that noise,"Annie thought to herself shaking."It sounds like someone's in my room." Annie was walking back up stairs to her room with her glass of water frightened.

When Annie had got in her room she saw nothing but darkness, she slowly crept into be shivering because of how cold it was in her room. She couldn't get to sleep thinking that maybe there is someone in her room. After a while, she thought to herself "There is no way there could be someone in my room. I was probably just hearing things..."Annie drifted off to sleep with no more fear. But... when she fell to sleep she could feel a big hand with pointy finger nails slither around her back. She could feel it but she thought it was in her dream. She woke up realising that it wasn't in her dream after a while. She saw a tall white man about 6 foot tall wearing a black suit. She thought she had saw him on some sought of horrer game called slender man. "AHHHHHH!" Annie screamed in terror. Her parents and sister and brother woke up screaming "ANNIE ANNIE ANNIE WHAT'S WRONG!" Her family ran as fast as lightning into her room but the tall man had already taken her. "Where's Annie!" They all screamed. The parents called the cops to have an investigation to find Annie.

The next day, Annie was still awake from last night, the man was not around Annie. Annie tried to stand up but realised she was tied to a tree with tape around her mouth so she couldn't scream for help. Annie saw a man walking in the woods cutting down trees so she started kicking her legs about so the man could hear her feet banging. He was running over to her when the tall, no faced man who kidnapped Annie had, grabbed the other man's arm and tied him up to a tree too. Then the cops were going by the woods but didn't see any and the man who tried to save her, they didn't even attempt to have a look in the woods, so when the 6 foot man ,who kidnapped Annie, ran away somewhere Annie,who was frightened, realised that she was right next to the other man, so she could reach her hands over and let him free so he could then let Annie free.

It was hard getting the man free,but she did it and when the man was free he didn't even help Annie so Annie was trapped still. Annie didn't know what she could do after that. But finally Annie came up with a plan. She had been looking around and saw that the tape that the 6 foot tall man had used to tape her mouth was behind her and so was the scissors that he used to cut the tape. Annie tried and tried to grab the scissors to set herself free but no luck just failer. She tried one last time and actually managed to grab the scissors. Annie was so happy and relieved to get the scissors. She cut her way out luckily. She stood up and took the tape off from around her mouth and ran as fast as she could.

Annie's nana's house was the closest to her so she ran straight to that like lightning. Her nana was crying of joy to see her. Annie explained how someone kidnapped her and her nan phoned Annie's mum and told her how Annie had told her that she got kidnapped but managed to escape. Annie's mum,dad,sister Hayley and brother Cayleb had came speeding in the car to Annie's nana's house. They got to Annie's nana's house and ran inside to see Annie and they did. Everyone started crying and they couldn't stop hugging her. Sarah , Annie's mum, phoned the police and told them that they found Annie so the police don't have to look for her anymore.

After that, the hole family went home and celebrated Annie coming back. They all lived happily after that and hoped that this wouldn't happen again.

                                                                         The End


  • May 29, 2017

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