Category : Stories
Sub Category : Romance
Im joe this is my life story im a writter...
One day im walking to town and listening my song suddenly car hitting me im slowly dizzy next day i wake up my head is so pain (its not my room all things are expensive where iam ?🙄)...
Someone knocking door he fastly enter room and sit next to me he check my wound (im so confused who is he)...
(wow 😱😱 he is tall,silver hair and blue eyes he is so handsome)
He:Hi...Im kyle nice to meet u and u...
Me:Im joe nice too meet u...
He:How u feel?☺...
Me:yeah im fine little pain 🤕 and where iam ??...
He:oh sorry yesterday u hit car im see u then i check u just little wound only so im pickup u in my home...
Me:r u doctor??..
(what he is handsome and also doctor)...
He:y ru staring like that?...
Me:ohh sorry its nothing (im think about u)...
Again someone knocking door....
Prince kyle may i come in... Yes come in... Ur breakfast is ready pls come then im leave now...
(He is prince what happend in the world y all are suddenly im so confused )...
He:R u hungry come here...
Then we are arrive at dinning hall another young two handsome man one person black hair and red eye another person black &white hair and purple crystal eyes ....(same face )
Then im introduce myself to everyone breakfast is finished then me and kyle are in my room phone is ring its kyle phone he leave room to take his room...
Day passed...
Im bore like this so i want fresh air and leave my room in garden beautiful different types flowers...
A girl pluging flower im close to her she is worked in this cattle i try to talk her and she is nice girl Daily im come to garden and little talk to her oneday she want talk to me so she is waiting in garden...
Me:Hi what u talk to me...
He:dont worry frankly talk to me...
She:I love u...
He:what (im shocked what i do im just only talk to be a friend)
She not want my answer she lip is close to me...
Suddenly i hear familiar voice i see that direction its he kyle (oh no he is misunderstanding me )
He push her away and forcely grab my hand into his room...
I try to explain but he not hear my explanation...
He closed door (i dont know what i do) kyle push me on bed he on top he kiss me deeply i try my hard to escape but he so strong my try all are waste all are finished....
To Be Continued