The Hiding Game, Pt. 4 Read Count : 138

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Horror

An almost heavenly light pierced through the antiquated windows and into the living room, chasing away any remnants of darkness left over from the night. The natural light of the morning had lit up the pale walls, chairs, and the maroon couch Karen was asleep on.  

   Once the light made its way through the shadows to her eyelids, she slowly raised them up like an automatic garage door ready to let the car out. Though, the only thing Karen wanted to let out was a scream.

       “What the…” she paused to look around the brightly lit living room. “How did I get here?”

       It was a fair question considering the last place she remembered being was in the bedroom. She heard the incessant knocking once more and then…


        Her mind was blank.

       What happened after that?

       She raised her body up to look around, but that’s when it hit.

       “Ohhhh my God!!”

   Her head was throbbing. She had never suffered a headache like this before. Should she go to the hospital? she wondered. That was out of the question, there’s no way she could afford an ambulance. There also wasn’t any way she could drive in her state, either.

       Karen placed both feet on the ground and stood up. The blood rushed to her head making her dizzy. She wobbled around in a perfect circle and crashed back on the couch.

          Bzzzzzz. Bzzzzzzzz


       Karen awoke again to her cell phone vibrating on the living room table. Still on the couch, she reached over and grabbed it to silence it. She glanced at the screen that read “Sissy,” reconsidered and answered it just in time.

       “Hey,” she said in an exhausted voice.

       “Whoa dude, what’s up with you? And what was up with that three in the mornin’ phone call? Did you sleep-call me?” Cathy laughed at her own joke, but was actually serious about it.

       “I don’t know what’s going on, Cath. I can’t remember what happened last night, then I woke up on the couch,” she listed and paused for a second. “And you remember those crazy headaches I used to get as a kid?”

       “Uhh, yeah, I guess so.”

       “They’re back. But even worse, I think.”

       Karen recalled being in her bed with her mom next to her. Her mom would get a hand towel damp with warm water and put it, folded, on her forehead. She remembered how good it felt. Not just the towel, but being taken care of like that. She wished for it.

       “Wow, that is crazy. Hey, I was going to come over a little later, but you want me to come now?” asked Cathy.

       “Could you?”

       Karen closed her eyes like it was too good to be true. “Please, Sis. I need you.”

       She cracked a sob in the last syllable. Once Cathy hung up, Karen started to bawl hysterically. She had no idea why she felt this way, or why what happened had happened, or even if it had happened.

       Thinking about it wasn’t helping, so she tried to fall back asleep. To much avail, she was asleep in no time.


  • Jun 12, 2018

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