Inside Read Count : 285

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

I went to a place I felt alone the words don't come out right.

There is no joy inside my head or held up in my heart.

It's not a way to gain your love, to cut so deep this skin,

I often think I'm already dead, my thoughts go there again.

I can't recall just what I've done as receiver of your distain,

I only know you cut me too, so I cut myself the same.

I once had hope, I'm not alone, I share this world with you.

We walk around and live our lives, but I don't live mine too.

I lie to you, I cover up and when I don't, REGRET.

I opened up to you this time and silence is what I get.

Exposing who I really am of what years have made my new,

In this place I feel so alone, so you tell me I'll get through,

Or never speak to me again, now you have cut me too.


  • Jun 12, 2018

  • Jun 12, 2018

  • Jennifer Gaffney

    Jennifer Gaffney

    thank you 😞 feels really good to get this out

    Jun 12, 2018

  • Jun 12, 2018

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