IT LIVES WITHIN PT16. Read Count : 105

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Suspense/Mystery
The monsterous Spideraa escapes out of the house after the military lauches an all out attack on the cocoon eating tarantula babies of spideraa.they kill and destroy the home entirely!SPIDRAA'S ANGER causes her to evolve one last final time.She becomes 55FEET HIGH UP!TOWERING THE CITY ITSELF! the national guards take nothing for granted.they call in the military fly pilots units teams! and they fire missiles and launch warhead rockets at the evil beast! the scenes choas!people are running thru the streets,armed forces trying to shoot down this THING!! HELICOPTERS FIRE MACHINE GUNS AND DROP BOMBS UPON THE MONSTER! TO TAKE DOWN SPIDERAA....IT TAKES ALL NATIONAL GUARDS MILITARY MIGHT.TO DESTROY HER!...WHICH .........happens finally! after a 24hr.consistant attack....they finally weaken ,and kill it!  which falls down dead ,upon some old vacant downtown buildings.there weren't many casualties."thank God!"a solider they all gather around the now dead spider beast.......


  • A. P. Johnson

    A. P. Johnson


    May 31, 2017

  • May 29, 2017

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