Dream Or Paranormal Activities.. Read Count : 107

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror

         I am allowing people see some of my horror stories, ideas in the hopes of motivating myself into developing some of my own stories.. 

                   The last night of my dream I am sharing you some of my stories.  That sometimes bother me in my life.. It was 3 am in the night.  There was a dark behind me.  I see a girl sitting on the cupboard.  She was continue watching me staring at me.  When I see her eyes was full of red and she was giving a smile at me and I just get panic,. My hands was shivering, my legs were also shivering, and I was seeing at her for a long time. 

                She smiled at me and asked me to follow her.  I woke up and started walking with her for a long time. Suddenly I saw a amazing place. 

                      There were lot of people doing different activities. Somewhere playing piano. Somewhere reading newspaper. I saw a big Hall where hundreds of people watching a lady singing a song. All the people were looking like that same girl who was sitting on my cupboard a red coloured eyes staring at me. I founded myself at the centre of these people watching me and asking to join with them..  

                Very very threatening sight.  

      All where coming towards me.  All the red eyes long hands with sharp nails approaching towards me with huge roaring sound.. 

              I was about to run away but I didn't find anyway . I was about to collapse they started pushing me.  I started shouting.  But there was no place to go anywhere.   

                  Sunddely I woke up. And I was full of scared I drink a glass of water.  I see it was a 3 am night. And I just sit on my bed I was thinking of these dream which I had...? I don't know it was a dream? Or paranormal activitie? That happens with me..  

               But I never forget that incident that just happen with me.  I hope that I have share a nice stories to you..   

                  So the question will always there what was it? A dream.? Or a paranormal activities.? 


  • Cool

    Jun 12, 2018

  • its a great story

    Jun 11, 2018

  • Jun 12, 2018

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