Wolf Along Demon King Vol.1 Read Count : 159

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
When I was sitting here suddenly a suspicious cloud is coming to pool that want to strike on pool. I shouted to said stop but they won't listen to me and I got no choice but to do is supernatural like everything.... I take ninja clones to take away everyone to another pool. Luckily it is right time to take away or else it was bad timing. When I saw yellow wolf is master of thunder! I bow to him and raise up to see what report to me. Actually I was shocked to see another wolf is actually wolf of thunder's boy!?!?!  I will do as my master order me to what he saying. He spoke to me and I was shocked and cried. I transform into special wolf to go to heaven... Wolf master of thunder told me what? He said " Go n find new master don't look for me... I'm sorry"( Well.. What happen to thunder boy is looking for new servant not me hahaha... I guess we are on a different level not on par so yeah)
When i reached the heaven to look for new master yet I still don't understand why master of thunder is asking me to look for new master.. I think and got an idea and ask God,‘ why master of thunder is asking me to look for new master and looking sad?'
God said master of thunder is going to died because of disease which cannot be cured called cancer. I hope that you will visit thunder of master one last time before finding suitable master for yourself.. I was shocked that cannot be cured but still can visit one last time before he is going to die.. Then I looked below that I actually forgot so i went down immediately change to special wolf, when I reach on ground but I cannot?!?! I took my bag but they think I'm a thief... I tried to speak so they can understand but they understand?!? I nodded to teachers and whisper to my bag," go up immediately"
Bag change to young pup wolf went up.. I also followed them.. Everyone was shocked but not so.. They were amazed for them. I went to heaven to see my master one last time with my small bag and master was finally able to see me again and told me in whisper, " yo...u shou..ld par..tner 1st and 2nd de..mon. They .. Are ..gen" I watched as a soul went up in sky of heaven. 
Master passed away and live in as god. He is watching me and all of them
As you don't know servants cannot be with gods. I went to my special place and saw powerful aura but still same level as me like lord. But when he turn face to me I was surprised like cat meow! He is 2nd demon king but actually gentle and my ex master told me to panther him. I came out from tree bunk and transform into ying yang wolf to walk easily.. Well I like to transform into my favorite form to relax and my favorite form is ying yang wolf. But I still suspicious of him but he say come here. But I actually doing ask he is saying and thinking of him as my master/lord.. When I reached his leg and relaxed like cat but if my ex master is abit comfortable but 2nd demon king is way too comfortable like sofa. 
I ask him a question can I be your servant like special servant different especially me is way too high level for master so it way too hard for me to find master who is same level as me.
2nd Demon king nod willing to form contact.. I form contact and then I felt burning like choking. Demon king say transform into white wolf.( I guess demon king favorite pet is white wolf almost like mystic) I immediately transform into white wolf as he stroke me felt refreshing like too comfortable already. To prevent for me I act as a wild animal wondering. I saw a 1st demon, I shivered and growls to protect him. "Wait! Sit!" Said 2nd demon named Zhou yiong nicknamed: zou. I immediately sit and still growling at him. 2nd demon named Leonard gother nicknamed: Leo. Leo smirked as if he think that zou want a pet for himself but don't know me exempt zou. Leo said it time for you to return to your mansion and listen to your father last will and then zou shocked and said,' what happen to my father??' Leo shooked his head saying don't have any idea so too doctors.
Zou went back immediately with his pet and see father one last time and...
School present
What happen to Aprillyn Wee? I'm worried and if impossible that normal wolf(what they saw is original wolf) is her?? ' what? No way! If she has a secret to tell me I would glad to keep but if it that so that means she doesn't want me to be in danger and all school people..' Clarissa crying many times and then school has no lesson today due to special reason and call all her friends and they go to general office to see what happenings? They all saw office people and principal have worried expression and they want to ask her friends to know what happen to April (nickname). They don't knew that I'm that wolf.
Mythical world 
I whisper to Zou saying I have to go back. He nodded and continue to have talk to Leo. I immediately went down to reach my school.
School present
They all shocked to see White wolf stomp on ground and went back to human and they were crying to see me safe and sound. I call my home and said,' I have important meeting with you all. So come and find me on my school as you know already. You can transform whatever you want just don't let people see you.'
Home present 
All family shock and nodded them immediately transform into bird and reach school.
School present
I nodded to them and transform into humans and say my old master died and become a god. They were shocked and I told them that I  partner demon king 2. They looked relieved and went to General Office to explain what happen. So they were shocked that April doesn't exist anymore. I told them my nickname is mythical wolf. I don't have name as you see. My new master must give me new name so I'm sorry but I need to go back to check my master. I transform into white wolf to check anybody is here and went to run up almost like a dragon sky looking for master. My family explain that she doesn't have real family I guess you can say they are God. Puteri say,' what happen to her family? I know you say they are God but in reality, what happened?'
They looked at me running on top.... Looking at her with raw of expression that there is a hint of sad pain in eyes.
All looked very very confuse. One of the family, man: Almost like brother to me say,' will you keep secret?' They nodded. He say,' Her family is actually humans like half humans half transform. They died same as humans beside she doesn't know yet when she was young about 3 years old. Let me tell you a story: once upon a time there is a lady which is human and fell in love with man who can transform into anything. Man also fell in love but wasn't allow to because of rules and want rare thing to keep the continuous generations. Man secretly escape with woman and getting punishment to leave as a human lives not immortal. This girl is actually last generations of transform... And she is also have same as man generation which means immortal and transform.They were shocked and Clarissa crying went home also them. Beside my family shook their head and thinking how strong for them to endure everything with pain on their eyes and went to transform into bird to went home and then my friends never go to school in the end. They never go to school because April is not here and without her, all school days become boring not exciting without her and she managed to laugh us.
Mythical world
Zou went to see his father one last time with me. Father was shocked to see me and saying in whisper,' come here.' I listen to him and go to him and he pet me and I received his memories everything. I cry and cry and it hurt me pain in chest. He knows already that who I am. I continue to cry and transform into human which father knew about this and I went closer so that I can lister to hike everything and whisper to my ear saying,' I know you hate me punishing humans but there are good humans I never knew and promise me to protect zou. I know you partner him and the truth is he has lots of devil power almost like curse and may go insane..' He coughed and saying one last time,' thank you for watching me. ' I saw him fell on to bed and saying,' why? Why? WHY??' I sobbed saying ,'pls come back pls. You promise I would be able to see you before dying and I promise to transform into your favorite form that you want to see one last time when you were small and the one you saw was me.' I sobbed and howled in pain. Zou and Leo heart pained and hate to see me howled and Leo say,' what is his favorite form?' I turn to see him and say take monster list. He take and give me. I take book and turn page 156 'demon dragon wolf'I point to this saying extra: never misjudged them and you can say any colour. They were shocked and saying it was legend that nobody see him. I nodded and say it was this one that your father saw me in this form. Zou and Leo turn his brother in shock. I stop crying and asking them to follow me. They follow me to garden where he saw me last time when he was small.
Zou say how come you know this place very well? I say Remember the part I told you? He realize the flashback and say oh yeah. I asked them to move back and take my bag to take out chalk to draw line. I ask them not to step before I erase the line to come over to let me kay? They nodded and I chant a long words, before I chant I remove my all clothes to put in bag. I transform into blue wolf with dragon legs tail and wings horns. I erase the line and they come closer slowly because they were afraid of me. Zou courage himself and let me and somehow he could think so fluffy and he lost his control and hug me. He say it was so soft and fluffy! Leo also went to me and pet and also lose control same as Zou!
I laughed so many time and say Zou. Yeah? That what he say. Can you name me? I don't have name. Zou thinking and say sora kasumin which means sky mist. I nodded and like the name. 
Leo realize that was servant not pet. He thinking he is so lucky and say can I become assistant to guide you ? Zou was shock and hug him saying I was supposed to ask you beside we can share as a part as he look at me. I nod and say what you want? Zou and Leo tilt their head confuse. I say I mean the name sora and kasumin like for example for me of demon dragon wolf if have two names I can part and partner you know. Leo was shocked and became happy and Zou and Leo nodded each other saying. Leo say kasumin. Zou say sora. I nodded and focus on two to guide to become a good person and I let the light to lift me up and turn into two parts one of the body is like a mist and other body is like a sky and was complete and kasumin is so playful and cheerful and sora is clam and cheerful too teehee! I explained to my two master and nod. He ask kasumin to partner me, I nodded and then two tattoos on Zou and Leo on the arm feeling pain. I was shocked and my parts become one again and went over to see they are alright. I almost faint when seeing legendary tattoos! It was a mark of demon. It was demon king and assistant of Zou and Leo! Zou and Leo wake up and saw me fainting. Zou take me and Leo take my bag to the room and waiting for me to wake up and I snapped myself and say do you have book of tattoo legend. Zou nod and take book. I searched the content of pages and flipped to page 9999' tattoos legend for demon king and assistant. I explain to them and say look at yours it is the same but not including the names are your future jobs. They look at tattoos and shock by the name,' Zou; Demon king, Leo; Assistant. They were shocked at future tattoo of jobs that is amazing so zou say what it even mean? I say it mean like you take demon king and you Leo take assistant to help your brother and I point to these, ' extra: these tattoos are rare for servant to chose partner to become 


  • May 29, 2017

  • May 29, 2017

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