Take A Look At Me Read Count : 141

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Take a look at me can you see I'm no longer affraid to hope and believe and making my dreams become real beyond the words written on this page , watch the power of my words  swore  in rage  setting more leaps and bounds  grabbing the attention of many  I have plenty of art for you to view but leaving you in  all ,  these master pieces belong the walls  of history  my art my story what a valuable treasure you can feast your eyes on the Rutgers apartment lobby walls  , Take a look at me don't be affraid to stare at the resilliant of my brillance creative mind and heart  that shines so bright beyond the darkest of days ,  as I  crave to create  my heart and mind begans to sang a beautiful song that sounds likes a fluet able to sooth  the hearts and the minds of many   take a look at me  and my good and plenty for you eye candy from my heart I have many of   master pieces with  threw the social media waiting for you to be enjoyed by your heart and mind don't be affraid to open your heart and your mind. 


  • Jun 10, 2018

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