Flying Read Count : 47

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Comedy

I hate flying.

    I would much rather partake in a road trip, even though it takes a longer time to get to your final destination. That’s what the beautiful, sometimes hideous scenery is for. Plus all the different attractions you could conduct a detour to visit.

    The main reason though, is you can stop the car and get out whenever you please. While on a plane, after the inevitable claustrophobia kicks in, you’re stuck in a Venus-fly trap, jammed into those worn-out, torn cushions they call ‘seats.’ I have to pop a Valium or Xanax whenever I fly for this reason. I have had some horrible experiences.

      When I was a child, around eight or nine, my family and I flew to California to visit the world-renowned Disneyland. It wasn’t my first time flying, but it was the earliest trip I remember. Not to mention, it was a long flight coming from Austin, Texas. Well, it was long for a youngster like me.

       After the plane has taken flight and begins its ascension, your ears are supposed to pop. However, mine did not. I tried chewing gum, making myself yawn, you name it.


       Just pain.

       And it had lasted throughout our entire trip. Though, after a while, it did start to dissipate. But from then on, I was terrified of flying. So now, I need some type of sedative and must have headphones on. Notwithstanding the stewardess, who constantly mentioned to take my headphones off, I had to keep them on. Invariably, inconspicuous under a hoodie.

       I would do the same for this flight to Spokane, Washington, except without the sedative, since it was a rehab I was traveling to.

       This would be my fifth rehab in three years. Nevertheless, it was the last one.


  • Jun 10, 2018

  • Hopefully the rehab would also work for overcoming your phobia for plane rides

    Jun 11, 2018

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