Let It Rain Read Count : 104

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance

I couldn't eat in front of him. 

I can't eat in front of any guy, really. It takes me a while to get to know them and feel comfortable around them before I can eat with them. I don't know when that complex started. Middle school? 

I just can't help that they might be watching and listening to my crunches, slurps, and swallows. It's part Mom's fault. She made me and Dad eat super quietly. She said it was polite. I didn't get it, but it stuck with me and now I starve myself when around boys.

     Thanks Mom.

     So, after Jack, or "Quick," ran off, I had to get something to eat. I ended up ordering a burger from that same place. I don't think I even said 'Thank you." That's why I ran after him. That, and because he left his black bandana. It had to be his. It was in his seat, but I hadn't noticed it on him. A part of me wanted him to have left it on purpose, so I'd have to find him again. But then why did he jet like that?
     And why do I want to think that?

     "Oh my gosh! I do not have a crush on him!" I yelled back.
     "Yes, you do! Yes, you do! Don't lie to yourself!," Jessica teased, but then sat and simmered down into her adult voice. "I mean it's okay, he did save your life, you know?"
     It was true. He didn't have to do that. But still, I didn't like him like that, yesterday. It had to have happened when—
     Oh yes, I know. It was his voice. His chiseled face. His skinny but built body. He wasn't that big of a body, but it was big and toned enough where you didn't want to fuck with him. But now, I wanted to, real bad.
     After he takes a bath, of course.

     I started to hear drops on our room which must've been made out of tin, it was so noisy. Outside, I saw people go from a walk to a full sprint across streets. It's funny watching people deal with the weather. They're so unpredictable.    
     And stupid.
     That was one of the reasons why I didn't drive my truck around. People are horrible drivers, especially in bad weather. And in Texas, where it barely does anything other than sun shining, people freak out in rain and the ice we get one or two days a year, in Austin. Plus, I can take the bus anywhere I need to go.
     The rain was plummeting harder. Soon, there wasn't anybody walking around. Not even with umbrellas. I thought about Jack.
     He better be somewhere safe.
     Jessica had turned on the news on the television. The forecast said, "Rain, rain, and more rain." And that floods were imminent.
     My heart started beating faster, Head was starting to sweat. Jessica noticed.
     "You alright, Al?"
     "Yea," I said back.
     But I was lying. I felt sick in my stomach. All I could think about was Jack.
     I walked over to the door and started to put on my shoes.
     "Where you goin'?" Jessica asked.
     I ignored her and continued tying the laces. I looked around and spotted my umbrella on the counter next to the table in the kitchen. There were no separating walls inside. It was all one big room with a staircase that led to two bedrooms and a bathroom.
     "You're going to find him, aren't ya?" Jessica again.
     "Freakin' Sherlock Holmes, everybody," I announced to an invisible crowd audience. Then back to Jessica. "He's homeless. I have to know he's okay."
     After she gave the invisible crowd a wave, Jessica nodded her head and said, "Be careful."
     "Yes, mother," I teased, as I opened the umbrella outside and left.


  • Girl be making excuses that it was her mother’s fault lol

    Jun 10, 2018

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