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Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
1.22.17 - Kelly Ann Conway said today that in reply to over 200,000 petitions to requesting that Trump release his tax returns, he will not Not even after his audits are over. First of all, Trump pledged during the campaign on numerous occasions to release his returns once the audits were complete. Now this will not happen. The american public has been conned again by Trump. Or maybe this is just another example of "alternative facts"? I realize that a candidate releasing his tax returns is not a requirement but since Trump said he would, not doing it would be a bait and switch of hugh proportions. Trump continues with the same modus operandi he used to screw his contractors in his business endeavors. Nice! Nevertheless, the two political parties going forward should put in their policy planks an iron clad requirement that any person wishing to engage in their primary disclose their tax returns. If a candidate does not want to do this, they have to run third party. This should apply in 2020 so if Trump is somehow not impeached and wants to run again as a Republican, he must disclose them.