Annihilation Read Count : 106

Category : Notes/work

Sub Category : N/A
Space, 2258

This is the fictional story of the Earth being destroyed by an Asteroid. 

"We're getting reports of a large Asteroid heading towards Earth, the estimate time of impact is 4 hours from now. Please grab your belongings and head towards your nearest collection point where the Army will be waiting"

There was worldwide panic as people were running around like headless chickens trying to take in the news that the Earth will be destroyed in 4 hours. But as soon as the Army arrived, the panic turned into acceptance and surrealism. 

Then came the Early Warning Sirens.

"This is not a drill, the Asteroid impact will be in 2 and a half hours. So please hurry up"

Once everyone was collected, there was nothing more they could do but wait and hope the PM has a plan, which he did. 

There was a rocket waiting for our arrival and everyone got on it as quickly as possible. "This is your Cabin Crew, enjoy the view as we arrive at Planet Y640.

"Earth destruction in 30 Minutes"

The rocket took off and reached Space in 10 Minutes, everyone took a sigh of relief. 

"Rocket Turbo malfunction"

"Damn it, why has it failed " asked a Cabin Crew Member.
"No idea mate" replied another. 

"Earth Destruction in 6 Minutes"

"Come on, work you stupid ship"

Miraculously it did and got some laughter from everyone. "Everybody ok?"

The passengers replied "Yeah, Sure"

And with that the Earth was Destroyed and everyone wept as they knew they'd have to start from scratch again on a new Planet. 


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