Social Media & Narcissism Read Count : 146

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Social Media Is A lie – How It Re-Programmes your thoughts and belief system
At first, the way social media re-programmes your mind is very subtle.  Let me be clear first, when I say social media I am referring to
·         Facebook
·         Instagram
·         Twitter
·         Snapchat
·         Tinder
·         POF
·         OkCUPID
·         YouTube
I believe that Facebook and Instagram are the two biggest causes for concern amongst our young (and old) minds.  When I first joined these social media apps and got involved with them, I thought practically nothing of it.  These, for me, were just a fun way to kill time.  In my younger years, I used these because everyone else was using them and, in some sense, I didn’t want to be ‘left behind’.
I really believe that the likes of Facebook, Instagram & YouTube are spreading out fear and panic like there’s no tomorrow.  There is a marked difference in your reality from being on social media and outside social media.  If you believe what you read on social media, there are new viruses, flu’s, bugs and bacteria all around us.  New ‘killer strains’ of bugs are, seemingly, al around us, if Facebook is to be believed.  Unless you want to have zero contacts on social media, you cannot escape all the scare mongering that is happening out there.  Not only scare mongering but social media and ‘selfie culture’ has given rise to a new breed of narcissists.  Maybe, these people have always been self-absorbed and self-obsessed and social media is just giving them an excuse.  If Facebook, Snapchat & Instagram were not available, where would people go for their narcissistic supply?
Even I can attest to the fact, it feels good to get likes, shares and comments on a picture or video you put up.  This, like everything, can be taken to the extreme.  Someone who shares fifty snapchats of themselves everyday has a problem.  These people were exactly who snapchat/Facebook/Instagram were for.  Before social media, there was a certain amount of ‘celebrity worship’ out there, thanks to the likes of MTV and other ‘reality’ TV shows.  AS far as I know, I could be wrong, but the likes of Big Brother and Jersey Shore came before the likes of snapchat & Instagram.
I can’t even remember a time where people didn’t use some form of social media.  What I believe social media is used for are three things:
·         Scare Mongering – New Diseases, Rapes, Attacks, Murders, Sexual Assaults
(The reader can apply their own sense of fear to these)
·         Dating/Sex Culture (Snapchat, Tinder & POF so obviously cultivate and promote a hyper-sexual culture)
·         Narcissistic Supply (Highly addictive).  Some people can even start to believe and buy into their own hyper and their own bullshit, which is just an ego construct.  Their online ego is most likely VERY different to their real-life ego.
Social Media has us believing things that are not in reality, has us scared of every possible threat out there, gives us a huge ego boost and supply of narcissism (especially if you have lots of material possessions (or it looks like you have lots of material possessions).  If you are a pretty girl, the likes, compliments and virtual kisses will forever keep rolling in.  There is very little incentive to STOP or even tone it down.  Especially if your ego is being fed on an hourly basis.  The sad thing is, it is all outwardly focused.  So long as you can make people believe you are rich, handsome, pretty, creative or happy, you will never be without ‘fans’.  This is our self-obsessed celebrity worship gone wild.  We now think we ARE celebrities.  Some girl who can airbrush her pictures beyond belief, to get hundreds of likes, more than likely, acts as if she is a celebrity.  Without having any inner wisdom, knowledge or a real-world skill, she deludes herself into believing she doesn’t need any of that.
SO long as the likes keep coming……


  • May 23, 2018

  • May 27, 2018

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