We Are The Problem Read Count : 96

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Politics
I listened to a political analyst say today that at least 50% of our voters do not know who Scott Pruitt is. Unbelievable but very telling. The illegal voting issue is a canard. The real problem is the uninformed voter. These people do not understand the issues, let alone the players. They are susceptible to the lies and manipulation perpetrated upon them by the campaigns. They are consistently persuaded to vote against their own interests. They are easily duped by charlatans like Fake President. They vote off the bumper sticker slogans they see with zero understanding of the real issues. Come on people, we can do better than this. Read an online newspaper with coverage by real journalists. Question what you hear and compare it to what you see and know to be true. We will be lucky to survive Putin's handpicked saboteur and certainly cannot tolerate another. Time we take back America.


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