Empire Games: Nightmares (Chapter 5) Read Count : 81

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Adventure
"John!" she yelled. She looked around, scared. "Jack!" She began running from the camp site. She kept running until she met the edge of the battle field, electrical wired fences. She stepped back, looked back, two figures across the field of her.

The figures stood there, looking down. One took out two axes, the other one, pulled out swords. Both figures stepped in the light, John and Jack. Her heart began besting immensely, sweat poured down her face fast. Jack came charging at her, she pulled her bow and shot him, stopping him for a brief second. She took off screaming for help. Jack kept running after her, with his axes in his hands, cutting the trees and leaves that were in his way.
"Jack!" yelled Cynthia, up against a tree, "stop, this isn't you!"
Jack raised the axe, and as soon he let gravity take place Cynthia woke up, breathing and sweating hard and badly.

She stared at Jack, who was in his sleeping bag still. She looked around, John wasn't in his though. She sat up, covering her chest with a blanket. She scanned the area, looking for John, listening for any sounds. She grabbed her shirt, put it on and got up to look for him. She grabbed her bow, and a couple arrows,
"John, you there?" she asked softly, nervously. She took light steps, and tried to avoid any dead leaves on the ground. She kept an arrow in her hand, waiting for a target to shoot if she got scared. She reached the edge of the battle field again, she saw the two figures again, but one was on the ground dead, other standing over it.
"John..." cried Cynthia softly. John looked at her, she yelled and then woke up again.

"John. Jack?" she checked their sleeping bags, both of them were there. She got up, put her shirt on and wandered around the forest, but not to far from where she can't see the camp. Something grabbed her shoulder, and covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream.
"Cynthia, shut up! Its me, Grim!" Cynthia got free, she looked at him, "Aren't you dead!"
"Yeah, but I my spirit didn't leave Earth yet." answered Grim.
"So you're able to feel things?" she asked grabbing an arrow slowly.
"Yeah" answered Grim calmly. The two talked for hours. They walked around, float for Grim's case.
"I missed you Grim."
"I didn't miss you," Grim grabbed her and kept her in a chokehold, he summoned a sword and put it to her neck. He took Cynthia to the sky, to show her all the destruction that happened because of the games.
"Ever since you've been dead Cynthia, everything has been better, everywhere." commented Grim taking Cynthia to the underworld. Cynthia struggled to be set free.
"I'm not dead!" she shouted, worming around for freedom.
"Meet your new ruler, Devil!" shouted Grim, dropping Cynthia into a pool of fire, "you are now and forever be his slave of the underworld!"

Cynthia got up. She ran, forgetting to put on her shirt. She went to the nearest river and washed her face. Two people walked behind her, and put a sack over her head.
"Let me go!" she yelled.
"No deal, your emperor is paying high coins for you, not passing this up" replied Fong.
"I don't want to marry that fool!" she yelled from in the sack, kicking it. They arrived, five hours later, to the gates of Titans Castle.
"We're here!" said Fong to Cynthia.
"No!" yelled Cynthia kicking and punching the sack. They dropped the sack on the ground in front of the emperor,
"Is this her?"
"Yes sir" answered Fong.
"I'm not coming out until I have something to put over my chest area!" interrupted Cynthia holding her hand out of the bag for a shirt or cape. An hour later the emperor and Cynthia exchange vowels, as the emperor went in for a kiss, she woke up, finally.

"It was scary and disgusting, my nightmares were!" she explained them to John and Jack, "I even forgot to wear my shirt, I got up and ran so fast!" Jack and John looked at each other.
"You mean right now?" asked Jack, pointing. Cynthia looked down and blushed. She fell to her knees, covered up, and yelled from the top of her lungs.

"Oh my gosh!" shouted Cynthia, waking Jack and John. Cynthia quickly put her shirt on before they turned around to check on her.
"You ok?" yawned John getting up.
"Yeah," nodding her head, "just a rough night." Jack got up and stretched, "nightmares?"
"Yeah!" she paused, "how did you-"
"You kept screaming and shouting John's and my name all night," answered Jack, drinking a little water. Cynthia blushed a lot.
"In my dreams I ran to the edge of the whole thing..." replied Cynthia. John and Jack packed everything up fast, "Take us there now Cynthia!" demanded John grabbing his swords. Cynthia nodded.
"I also saw Grim..." she said softly, where no one can hear her.


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