Another Letter To The Bullies
Read Count : 141
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : LifeStyle
If you have an opinion of me, just tell me instead of throwing crap at me all the time. You think that you're brave, but yet you can't stand 3 feet away from me, or look my in the eye when I speak to you. To me that's pretty pathetic, that you tell your friends that you were brave. If your friend accidently touched me, they touch you, and then you say, "ew! Your gross!" To there friend. But I don't cry. I look you straight in the eye and say, "if I'm so gross then why aren't I in the trash?" For some reason no one can answer that question, except for the teachers. Why exactly? Becuase your too afraid to say anything else becuase you'll get in trouble. But if your so worried about getting in trouble, why do you bully me in the first place? I bet you don't even have an answer for that. Becuase when I ask you there is a teacher looking right at you, waiting for you to say something. In fact the whole class is looking at you by now. Then I say, "you don't have anything to say now do you? Well I'm pretty sure the teacher will gladly thank you for wasting a while class period, becuase your too afraid to say something." Yet you call yourself brave? If your so brave why don't you stand up and state your opinion? Are you afraid? See the power you thought you had disappeared that's the super power nice people have against the bully. The kind-hearted people can take your power and call that gross and throw the "power" into the trash. Becuase the kind always win against the rude.