Rolling For 3 Days (redone) Read Count : 110

Category : Books-Non-Fiction

Sub Category : Biography
November 2008

           With three capsules a piece, we were more than set for the trouble we were about to get into. Our plans were like any other night, being merely bar-hopping, however this night we had an extra sensual enhancement. It had been Maisie, Brianna, and I’s third night in a row to roll—take MDMA, or ecstasy—and we were headed to one of downtown Austin’s main attractions, Sixth street. 
           It was a miracle having both Brianna and Maize back by my sides. Somehow, Maize had convinced her friends to move to Austin. Something I had never thought was going to take place, but she managed to get it done like she had mentioned she would. 
           While she split an apartment with her two friends, the blonde I had recognized from earlier was also there. Her name was Amber. It happened to be the perfect fairy-tale name to her unicorn-loving personality. It turned out, she was a smartass sweetheart. I became good friends with both of Maize’s friends, even though she stayed at my house, for the most part. 
           Brianna had come next. Turns out she and the guy she was dating had broken up so she called me. I was bored, sitting in class when I felt my leg vibrate, a sensation I could feel even if I didn’t have my phone on me—we call if the “ghost phone.” This had not been the case, though. My phone was ringing and the screen had lit up with Brianna’s name flashing as if it knew how important the call had been. 
            I jumped out of my seat and jogged to the door, having my quick exit be a show of an important excuse for my leaving in the middle of class. She yelled my name when I had answered. I ended up leaving school early, skipping two classes and going to her apartment, a place I had not seen before. She had moved there after she got kicked out of the sober house, but I had never had the chance to see it. 
            We hung out all day and night. We hardly bothered with catching up. We had jumped right into where we had left off. Being crazy, hipster kids drinking green apple vodka and Mountain Dew. It was a girly drink, but it became our signature party favorite. 
             So now, the three of us were about to continue having the time of our lives together. We each took the ecstasy and went to one bar and sat there for hours, drinking only water, rolling our faces off. Sitting on one side of the booth while I was sandwiched in between them, we melted into each other. On ecstasy, everything feels incredible. Your heart pounds away to the beat of the music. Anything that touches you sends a shockwave through your body like a tingling sensation. 
           We rubbed each other underneath the table, eyes closed, double-clicking our mouths. We sat in the back to try and be less conspicuous. When Brianna went to the bathroom, Maize and I made out. Our tongues sliding off each other then teased one another like a game of tag. When Brianna came back, Maize then left for the bathroom. Brianna and I were rubbing each other’s hair then she turned to look at me. I laid down in the green meadow of her eyes and got lost in the black abyss of her quarter-sized pupils. She gave me her “I want you” look and so we proceeded to maul and grope each other. Our tongues wrestling back and forth. Waves of pleasure went charging through me whole body. When Maize came back, the rubbing and massaging continued while I switched between making out with each of them. 
              It got way too out of control. Luckily, we had known everyone who worked at the bar since Jane worked there, so the bartender had told us that we were too obvious and asked us to kindly find another place. This was completely understandable. So, we got some of Austin’s best pizza slices and ate, until I started to feel sick. The three days of straight rolling had been too much, I assumed. 
          It felt much like when I went to Bonnaroo in the summer of ‘06, before I went to rehab. It was a three-day music festival in Tennessee and I rolled all three days. It was during the last show on the last night of the event when I started feeling sick. I was throwing up stomach bile because there was nothing inside my stomach. I had forgotten to eat the entire time I was there, with the exception of a marijuana Rice Krispie treat. My friends had to nurse me back to health all the way home with water and fruit. 
           I didn’t feel as bad as that, but it was similar, so we left downtown and went back to my house. 
           The three of us were never not together. 


  • Tasawur Adi

    Tasawur Adi


    May 22, 2018

  • Winnie Jackson

    Winnie Jackson


    May 27, 2018

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