Ironic Man
Read Count : 180
Category : Blogs
Sub Category : Politics
If Fake President were a Super Hero, he would be either Ironic Man or the Human Hypocrite. He has the balls to ask our Allies during a world watched speech to pay what they rightfully owe for their NATO contributions, knowing full well he is probably the biggest deadbeat in history for all the contractors, investors and students he has not paid or simply ripped off. What huge balls you have, sir! Our allies do indeed need to pay their fair share of costs, but that discussion should have been made one off behind closed doors. But Fake President simply could not pass up an opportunity to be the blowhard once again in front of the cameras. He only wants to play to his Neanderthal base, perfectly willing to embarrass those leaders in front of their citizens and make the U.S. look small at the same time. What a big, huge man you are, Mr. Fake President! Tell us, did your mentor Putin tell you to do this? Probably so as we haven't seen the pee pee video yet. You see, there is a thing true world leaders engage in. It's called diplomacy. Look it up you incompetent douche bag.
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