When You Fail Read Count : 154

Category : Notes/work

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In life we all fail in fact I always fail, in my exams, sports, drawing, etc....... 
BUT I allows kept one thing in my mind and it is 
It's a test from God, our creator wants to see if we will quite or cheat or the best thing work heard. 
Last week my friend got a 56 in his computer test and he is the smart kid in my class always 90s and 100s, the reason he got 56 is because of God, god made the choice to see what he will do. The same thing happen to me I always get 80s In math but now I got 70s in a row which isn't good in my family. When I get that Mark in maths I always forget GOD and start thinking I'm worth less and that's the devil telling me that and we don't have to lesson to the devil instead we have to lesson to GOD!! When we fail fall on the ground we need to get up and pray, when we will and rise up don't forget God. God helped you to win.


  • thanks, this really helped

    May 21, 2018

  • I liked it

    May 22, 2018

  • great

    May 22, 2018

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