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It is so depressing to read in the papers or watch on the news about senseless tragedies that go on in this world. People make selfish choices only to have the consequences of those choices affect other people.  

There was an incident where a 13 year old boy walking home from school was attacked, beaten, and stabbed multiple times by a 30 year old man. The boy was bloodied and battered but he still found his strength to get away from his attacker to seek help. He went knocking on doors but nobody came out to help him. In the end, he fell to the ground, bled out and died. Senseless. The reason of the senseless attack? That 30 year old man was gay and he was feeling horny on that fateful day. He made his move on the boy and was rejected. Anger blinded him and rage clouded his judgment. He reacted to the rejection, a selfish choice on his part. As a result, an innocent boy lost his life. That boy was my dad's youngest brother. 

On that very same day, the 30 year old man surrended himself at the police station.  He was sent to an asylum in prison where he served a life sentence for murder. Was justice served just because he was put in prison to do time for his crime? No. Him serving time does not bring my uncle back. Him serving time does not take away the devastation and pain from my grandparents, my dad and his other siblings. His actions broke my grandmother's heart. She never got to see her youngest son graduate high school, watch him grow or see him become a man. I never got the chance to meet my uncle or get to know him. All I get to see is his grave next to my grandmother's grave. Where is the justice in that? That man, he's an old man in his 80s now, still locked up in prison, ailing, but still alive. Why does he get to live to see his old age even if it's spent in prison? Where is the justice in that? 


  • May 21, 2018

  • May 21, 2018

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