Memories Chapter 1 Read Count : 158

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : YoungAdult
I wake up with a jolt.

This should be like a normal day. A day where, say, I go to school. A day where I relax. A day where I hang out with my friends. 

But it's not a normal day. 

I wake up in a hospital, confused. A little boy sits next to me, staring deeply into my eyes. His concerned face makes me wonder. I overhear a doctor talking to an older women. 

"Yes, she has severe brain injury. Luckily she will survive, but she doesn't remember anything. Of course, she remembers how to eat, sleep, and normal stuff like that."

"But she doesn't remember me or her brother?"

"Yes, you are correct."

"How am I supposed to live without my baby? If she doesn't remember me, that means I can't live the same way!"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Vandiah. The car crash was so powerful, that there is nothing else we can do. We have tried everything."

"The-There has to be something else that you can do. Please! I am not losing her!" 

She begins to sob, the doctor starts to reassure her. I have to do something. I can't just sit and watch all this happen. 

"Hello? Are you okay?" I manage to say. The woman rushes over to me and moves the boy aside.

"Sweetie! I promise you will be okay. I'm your mother. You have to stay with me! Please!" 
She starts to cry more.

"I'm sorry. I don't remember anything. I wish I could help.."

I wish I could remember something. ANYTHING! It hurts! I don't remember anything that they talk about. Suddenly, the boy who I presume is Connor, starts talking. 

"It's me, your brother! You don't remember anything?" I shake my head. I see everyones faces drown in sadness. 

I may not remember anything, but I do know one thing.

Nothing will ever be the same again. 


  • May 20, 2018

  • May 21, 2018

  • Andres the pixel artist/gamer

    Andres The Pixel Artist/gamer

    cool story

    May 21, 2018

  • May 21, 2018

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