When I Seen My Grandmas Ghost Read Count : 163

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
I was 13 when this happen i was at home it was a school day and i just got home from school and my liltle brothers wanted to go play with the kids arcoss the street and i was on the couch watching tv in the living room then my mom text me on my phone and said for me to brush my teeth so there only 2 bathrooms one in my mom and step dad room and one across from my room so i went to the bathroom and i had my phone on the sink so had it close to me and while was brushing my teeth so i was looking in the mirror and then i saw her looking at me then she said she loved me and then went through the wall then a another my liltle brothers 
They wrent sleeping in there they played bat toys with batterys then they started go of by there self the bat toys for about 12 seconds or more then when i went to bed bc i had school the next day i sleep by my self then i felt a touch on my back and i don't what it was then i can still see her


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