Poem: Motivation Read Count : 153

Category : Poems

Sub Category : N/A

Don’t give in just yet, 
For there maybe a couple of good fights left in that broken heart of yours; 
Browse your past quickly like the internet, 
Seeking no evidence of failure but that of unpliable strength and 
avid intellect, which will access you the most pleasant of doors. 

Bail yourself immediately from the jail of regrets, 
And let your soul roam the earth freely to and from; 
Go carefully like a thousand steps, 
Like navy seals crouching deeply into the belly of the unknown, even though the future is expecting you to come. 

Let no brute force deter you, 
And leave no guilt hanging around your neck; 
For determination is strong enough to carry you through 
without causing you a speck of wreck. 

Though life has robbed you of so many years, 
And disrobed you of those who genuinely cared, 
You can still emerge from the tomb in which they’ve buried your youth; 
And though you might be shocked and feeling scared, you can still embark the path no other has ever dared, for upon the shoulders of your heart rides a light of truth. 


  • May 20, 2018

  • May 20, 2018

  • May 22, 2018

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