Fnaf : Fan Story 1 The Bite Of 87 Read Count : 124

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Horror
Chapter 1 the flyer 

It was my birthday and all I could remember was me my mom and my dad getting ready for the biggest holiday my mom cared about the most my birthday. I was turning 6 years old this year I of 1987  can remember I was riding home from school with my dad he quickly stopped the car and asked me so soon where do you want your birthday to be. Before I. Could say a word my me and my dad were both looking at a flyer that red 
Freddy Fazbear's pizza 
Good for the little ones big birthday 
Or just for fun 
Call 1-800 fazbears 
As my dad finished reading the flyer I quickly screamed there dad there please he replied okay kiddo we'll have to talk to Mom before we make the decision. 

Chapter 2 the talk 

As me and Dad arrived at the house that day my mom was outside waiting for me she quickly ran to me and picked me up and started kissing me she spoke to me there's my birthday boy my dad spoke to me back Charlie go play in the backyard while me and your mother talk. My mother put me down safly and ran into the backyard. But being the nosey knosy child I peeked through the window and I saw what turned out to be my dad giving my mom a glass of water then he started talking about the pizzarea then my mom started choking my day looked worried at the beginning but at the end he started laughing. Then he saw me looking and he ran to the back door and grabbed and baseball bat and said to me this is what happens when birthday boys that are knosy. 

Chapter 3 the bite of 87 

And all I could remember next was waking up in the pizzarea I was tied to a chair sitting at a party table with all my friend they were dead everyone covered in their own blood and at the end of the table a man in a purple security gard uniform. And of course I could also the fore udult zised mascots Freddy Bonnie chicka and of course foxy. As the man got out of his chair he walked over to me and screamed come on son it doesn't look like your having fun how about we go play with foxy he untied me and he pulled out a gun and walked me over to foxy as I stood there looking at foxy the man told me closer get closer and as I did foxy opened his animatronic mouth and bit my whole jaw off I was bleeding. My only wish is that this man would brought to justice and well being the smartest kid my class room I left a little note for the police saying the same wish hopefully someone found but unfortunately I'll not be living if that day comes. 


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