Dino Destruction Entry #1 Read Count : 165

Category : Stories

Sub Category : Adventure
  April 13th, 2022
         It was dark. It felt like the small room was closing in on me, I was starting to get claustrophobic. I heard a tapping on the floor, it reminded me of a nail constantly being dropped on the hardwood floor. Right outside the door I heard the footsteps of something that sounded big, pacing back and forth across the floor. I heard the snarl breathing coming from its snout as it got closer to the door. 'This is the day it ends for me.' I thought to myself. As the tapping got closer to the door, I held my breath, hoping to not make any sudden movements. Suddenly I heard gunshots ring outside of the building. The tapping stopped and turned into fast clunks as it ran out of the room after the noise. I sat there for 10 minutes listening. My lungs hurt as I held my breath the whole time, listening. 
    I think it was safe to come out finally. I poked my head out of the wood paneled closet door that I hid inside. All I seen was turned over furniture and broken glass from the creatures knocking over lamps. It was starting to get later out and I decided it was best for me to stay in this room for the night. It was up a couple flights of stairs so I would hear anything coming and whatever was outside shooting was close so the creatures didnt go far. Also I can barricade the door with the two dressers and the bookshelf in the room.
   Its gonna be a long night and I'm not tired. Well im tired, but not tired enough to wanna fall asleep by myself. Also, I still hear those raptors outside. I cant believe I'm writing this down. Yes, velociraptors outside of this apartment complex. That is an interesting story, seeing as I might die tonight and I need to pass time, I better update my notebook.
    Hi, my name is Robert Hall. It has been 4 years since the dinosaurs appeared. They have seemed to destroy everything since there has been no electricity or running water for a very long time. I am also sure everyone I know or might have known is dead. As for myself, if I survive the night, I will just keep moving. Hoping to find somewhere to live, to call home. Big steel walls to keep all dinosaurs out, friendly people, and best of all, hot water. A person can dream right? 

Dino Discussion: I plan on making this a weekly series posted on Saturdays so if you liked it or have any questions and would like to be featured in the next dino discussion then please feel free to contact me! 😁😁


  • May 19, 2018

  • awesome

    May 19, 2018

  • Brandon Graham

    Brandon Graham

    thank you!

    May 19, 2018

  • U did good

    May 21, 2018

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