Killer Photo Part 18
Read Count : 171
Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Horror
Chapter Eighteen We are headed to Borrego desert, a place Sam and Frank visited when things were still good between them. Before she knew the truth about his secret life. The rest of us had never been there so we are not sure what to expect. We still didn't really know what Sam had in mind for James and Stephanie. We only had a couple hours of driving until we were to get to Borrego from Laguna Beach and Sam wanted to drive. She wanted the time to think about her plan. Danny sat with her to keep her company, although Sam was all talked out for the evening she was happy to have him there. Evol closed the curtain on the back window in case James or Stephanie had any crazy ideas to alert the other drivers. James was still naked as he lie there bound and gagged. Stephanie tried to wiggle herself close to James even though he was willingly fucking Sam earlier. Stephanie didn't get it. James was a pig and he never intended on leaving his wife. It was clearly always just about sex for him. Evol worried about them getting too close and trying to somehow break free, so he picked up Stephanie and she immediately began lashing about to free herself from his grip. Kevin jumped up and grabbed her feet and together they slid her back under the bed. Kevin found a blanket and threw it over James so we didn't have see his naked body for the remainder of the trip. Alex and I sat quietly together at the table. Mac was on his laptop editing photos from the LA shoot while Evol and Kevin tried to get some sleep. We had been on the road for maybe 45 minutes when we heard an unfamiliar ringtone. Alex jumped up following the sound to James’ pants pocket that had been on the floor. A picture of what seemed to be his wife flashed up on the screen. “Fuck” Alex said under her breath as she tore off the case and removed the battery. She thought it best to do the same for Stephanie's phone, then she tossed them out the window. James lied there with his hands cuffed to the bed, his mouth was stuffed with a rag and tape across it to keep it in place. I stared at his eyes wondering what he was thinking about or feeling. Was that single tear that fell from his eye and landed on the pillow for Stephanie? For his wife? Or was it for himself ? He had to know by now that this wasn't going to end well. Did he have any remorse for his actions? As I sat there wondering about his state of mind I stood up, grabbed my camera and stood on the bed and focused my camera on his eyes. I wanted to see the story only the camera would tell. Seeing the shots in my camera I wanted more. I know that Sam had something in mind for the final set with them but I was craving some raw emotion on a smaller scale. We had another hour or so before we got to Borrego so I wanted to play. Obviously the question we all wondered was if James had any feelings for Stephanie or was he just stringing her along for a good fuck when he was bored with his wife? I wanted to find out. Danny and Alex were on board and they helped me pull Stephanie out from under the bed. Although she had finally calmed down a bit, her eyes were red and puffy and she had drool and snot all over her face and in her hair. Alex removed the gag and took her into the bathroom and held her up so I could get her cleaned up. Stephanie softly pleaded with us to let her go. Little did she know that soon, we would set her free. I saw Alex’s reflection in the bathroom mirror as I carefully wiped Stephanie's face clean. She wasn't watching me. Alex was looking at Stephanie with a hunger that seemed to take control as she forcefully tore off her pink sweater. Stephanie didn't make a sound, she froze and looked at me hoping to stop what was about to happen. I just smiled, this is exactly what I wanted. Alex took Stephanie and put her on the bed next to James. Stephanie looked over at James who was still laying on the bed with his hands cuffed and his mouth covered with duct tape. He looked confused as he kept looking back and forth from me, to Alex to Danny and finally to Stephanie searching for answers. I had my camera in my hand as Danny untied her feet so Alex could remove her pants. That was the look I was searching for, Stephanie knew what was happening and the fear in her eyes was mesmerizing. I clicked the shutter and waited. Soon Stephanie was naked and her hands were tied above her head to the bedpost. She sobbed, she looked at James hoping that he would do something to stop us. James just looked away. Stephanie was absolutely stunning. Her blonde hair was a mess and covered just one of her nipples. I could see why James didn't want to let her go so easily. Alex stood over taking her all in deciding her next move. She kneeled on the bed between Stephanie's legs and caressed the inside of her thighs then reached up and grabbed a handful of her breasts and squeezed it. Stephanie tensed up and looked at James and she sobbed. All she kept saying over and over was please…”please”. James turned to look at her then shrugged his shoulders, insinuating that this was all out of his control. I captured those silent moments between them but it wasn't enough. I focused in on their eyes as Alex licked her fingers then put them inside Stephanie. Her eyes opened wide and James turned his eyes to Alex and he watched her fuck Stephanie as she cried out for him. The look in his eyes changed. He seemed almost excited by how the evening was unfolding. The blanket that we used to cover him began to grow. James was turned on. I kept taking pictures as Alex started to go faster and faster, then she stopped. Stephanie's body relaxed a bit and she closed her eyes in relief. Before long Stephanie let out a scream that made James jerk as Danny unexpectedly jumped on the bed and forced himself inside her. He was fast and rough and James continued to be turned on. I couldn't take the camera off his eyes as he watched Danny as his body slapped up against hers. Stephanie still stared at James with those same sweet forgiving eyes hoping that at any moment he was going to somehow stop Danny, or maybe at the very least comfort her with his glare so she didn't feel so alone as she tried to mentally escape the hell she was currently in. James didn't love Stephanie. I had the photos to prove it, and yet Stephanie still hadn't figured that out. Sam was right, she deserved this pain. By this time the guys woke up and crowded around to get a piece of the action. Mac was especially curious by the dynamics of the situation and started taking pics, offering a different perspective on things. He focused on the pain and desperation that consumed Stephanie. Sam had been listening and watching while driving. Her anger had reached a new limit and she needed a break from driving so she could get in on the action in the back. She hollered for Danny to take over the drive. As she got up and headed back to the bed she was stripping off her clothes and was completely naked as she pushed her way through to see James and Stephanie lying there. James was clearly still erect and his eyes showed lust and excitement as he looked at Sam standing there before him. Such full breasts and hips he so desperately wanted to grab onto. Stephanie continued to look at James, hoping to share in the fear that consumed her by now. She looked at Stephanie and angrily smirked, “James does not love you, when will you understand this?” Sam stood up on the bed straddling James all the while staring at Stephanie as tears fell from her eyes. She began to kick and break free. Her urge to stop what was going to happen with Sam and James was stronger than what she allowed Alex and Danny to do to her. Stephanie still felt deep inside that James was her soul mate and would be together. Sam reached down and tore the gag from his mouth as he winced in pain. Then he smiled. This sick fuck was so overcome with desire that he had no grasp on the actual situation. Sam bravely removed his cuffs and Stephanie began screaming and pleading for James to untie her. James instinctively grabbed Sam by her hips and pulled her down on top of him, he had her nipples in his mouth as he entered her and began to fuck her right there as Stephanie watched in horror. All the while Sam stared at Stephanie in disgust. She allowed James to take control as he flipped her over to fuck her from behind. Stephanie just sobbed. Her eyes closed as tears fell down her face. She could hear James and the all too familiar sound he made as he climaxed. All the while the rest of us snapped away at the shutter capturing this moment of ultimate betrayal Stephanie had been forced to witness. After James finished with Sam he looked over at Stephanie with such desire that we all sat back as he rolled over on top of her. Stephanie lit up holding on the hope that James had a plan to rescue them both. He lifted her legs up as he entered her ever so gently and bent down to kiss her. Stephanie melted into his lips as she seemed to temporarily forget that she was still a prisoner. He started off slow and sweet with her, then something changed. James looked angry and suddenly slapped Stephanie so hard across her face that blood flew onto the pillow. She was stunned and looked almost empty as she just laid there and allowed James to fuck her. She stared off completely defeated as James continued to be rough with her until he finally came again. He rolled over onto his back and gazed at the ceiling. Before he had time to fully relax Danny grabbed his hands and cuffed him back to the post. Sam shoved the towel in his mouth and taped it back shut. At this point Stephanie had to finally see the monster James really was. I kept looking through the images in my camera and seeing the look on her face said so much, but I still wasn't convinced that she was over him. Sam got dressed as the guys took Stephanie's naked body and against her protest they slid her back under the bed. James just lied there staring at the ceiling. He didn't seem phased by the current events. There was no fear in his eyes, it was like some wild sex fantasy coming true for him. It was dark out when we got to the desert. Danny parked and we got out to stretch our legs. The air was cool but welcoming after the ride we had. We were completely mesmerized by the show the stars were putting on for us. I don't think I have ever seen anything so beautiful. Like silver glitter speckled into the black sky that went on forever. We hadn't yet come to the campground we were headed to but Danny needed to pee so he pulled off a mile or so off of the main road. At this point none of us wanted to get back on the road so we decided to stop for a bit and eat. Danny wandered off with Kevin while Evol and I tried to prepare something for us all. Luckily we had leftovers from the dinner we had with Stephanie that already felt like ages ago. A few minutes later Danny and Kevin got back and grabbed a plate. We all sat around outside by the fire Mac and Alex started. Sam lit a joint then passed it around. We sat in silence as we smoked our joint and stared at the night sky. After a few moments had passed it was Sam who broke the silence. “Mac, do you still have that gun?” Mac tilted his head down to look at his feet. He paused a moment before he answered. “I do” is all he said. Mac pulled out his flask and poured himself a drink, this time not offering anyone else any. In the desert the silence can almost feel so loud and the darkness can make you feel all alone. I assumed Mac was lost in his thoughts as he quietly sipped his whiskey. The wood in the fire popped and startled us all, as if to somehow bring us back from our own thoughts. Kevin and Evol disappeared inside the trailer for a bit then came out carrying a clothed, but still tied up James and sat him in a chair. Next, they brought Stephanie out and sat her next to James. Evol slowly removed the gag from Stephanie's mouth with one hand, while his other hand he held up to his mouth gesturing for her to be quiet. He did the same for James. Kevin brought over food and fed them both and offered them some water. They gladly accepted. Stephanie quietly looked around at us then back at James. This time they locked eyes as if to speak in a secret language only they knew. I don't think anyone else noticed but me, and I let it go. I wasn't worried. There were more of us than them and they were tied up. As the night grew later Kevin started to play his guitar. Sam seemed a little less tense. She and Danny stood up and begin to dance slowly to the music Kevin provided. Alex couldn't stop looking at Stephanie making her extremely uncomfortable after the events from earlier. I was so excited by the look on Alex's face as she watched Stephanie. I went and sat on her lap and started kissing on her ear lobes, then moved on to her neck. Alex grabbed my face and kissed me hard never taking her eyes off of Stephanie. She gently pushed me off of her lap and stood me in front of her as she pulled down my pants. She put her fingers inside me and kept her eyes on Stephanie as she fucked me until I came. Stephanie kept trying to turn away but something kept her looking back at Alex. Alex had a way with women like that. There was something so sexy about her. She always had women by her side. I never seemed to mind it and maybe that's why we worked so well together. Sex was sex. That was it. What I had with Alex was love. I never shared that part of her, for us, that was sacred. I sat in the chair Alex had been sitting in when she got up and stood over Stephanie. This time Stephanie didn't cry, she held her gaze with Alex as Alex knelt down and pulled off Stephanie's pants. She started to tremble. It could have been because it was cold out, who knows. James silently watched as Alex spread Stephanie's legs and put her tongue between them. Alex worked her magic and in no time at all Stephanie screamed out in unsuspecting pleasure. James looked on in shock. He had never heard her sound like that. Suddenly James was showing concern over Stephanie, asking her repeatedly if she was ok. Stephanie just opened her eyes and her mouth fell open in disbelief. Stephanie had no idea if she was ok, she just sat in silence gazing at the stars in the sky. “What did you do to her?” James asked in anger. Alex simply replied, “Something apparently you never could, I gave her a real orgasm”. Alex grabbed me by my hand and pulled me up out of the chair, kissed me then sat down pulling me down on her lap. I cuddled up into her neck while we sat by the fire.