Category : Books-Fiction
Sub Category : Adventure
Chapter 4: A visit from family
I was anxiously awaiting the arrival of Orion. I looked in the mirror and told myself that I, Mark De'chevalier am a good person. I heard a knock on the door and opened to find Orion's smiling face. I came up to him and gave him a kiss and then I pulled away. I said "So today is my birthday, finally an adult so I bought something. We have been dating since I was fifteen in secret for three years. We started dating on my birthday. I want you to meet my parents". I got down on one knee and brought out a small black box and I opened it and said " Orion Harris will you do me the honor of becoming my husband forever?". Orion smiled and said " I will always say yes, so yes I accept it". Then he got down on one knee and he said " Since summer starts in a week and we are officially engaged will you do me the honor of moving in with me in the new house I bought?". I said " Yes". Then we kissed. A feeling of happiness shot through me and then a door opened. I saw the shocked face of my mother and then she yelled " Get out of this house, get the hell out of this house Mark. How dare you kiss a man. That is so wrong I didn't think you were gay. I didn't raise you gay; did I, I SAID DID I ?!!!?". I said " No mother". She said " Get out of my house, pack your stuff and leave. I don't want you here, you bad boy". I was in tears. I packed eight away. My possessions fit in three giant suitcases. I put everything in Orion's car and I ran out of the house in tears. We drove off. I looked out the window. So many years stained my cheeks. When we got to the house we got all my stuff out and so I opened the door. My first thought was of how gorgeous this house was. I felt happy here. Orion left to pack his stuff and he ordered a moving truck. My bed was still at home so was my shelves and also my desk. Then I heard pounding and I opened to see the smiling and way to cheerful face of Oceania. I told her everything that happened and she was hugging me and then I said " How do you know where I live". Her face twisted into the face of a monster. I started chanting a spell and then the monster exploded. A secret I kept was I knew magic and since I was six I knew about the silver sword and the silver blossoms but that is a story for another time.