My Imaginary Friends Story Read Count : 114

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Romance
ch 1&2A few days after a sign hung out the window it read gina loves Alexander my first attempt was to shriek she loves me  !!!!!! I saw her in the halls I just wanted her . She was sitting next to a boy named justin the next day I found out that she was his girlfriend I was mad at her boyfriend grrrr !!!!!!!! Calm down bro he says nobody cares about me im the freaking invisible man we all care bro

Chapter 3 when I saw her today she was with her sister she was wearing a crop top micheal kors boots and a pocket book her sister was being nice to me hi .I watched her first period that day by accident my shoulder brushed against hers sorry I say she says nothing  as usaul I say nothing to her she says nothing I see her agian this time after school I was at the the diner with  my friends we were joking around she was holding justin hand I leave and  get in the car .19 years after these events occur she and I got married and we had 8 kids jacob Sally Charlie  and rocky ellie and isbale and francine


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