Category : Poems
Sub Category : N/A
To my surprise,
I found my serenity
Comfortably resting in insanity
But there was never truly tranquillity deep within.
So on a quest to finding clarity,
I found myself
And I found out why
You see,
My love is so different and rare
That it is usually misapprehended So often times
My heart they'd place under their shoes and walk right on.
But hey!
I was accustomed to it.
So that lousy pain of rejection and hurt
That usually splinters the hearts of many
Was to me,
A bittersweet dose of numbing potion.
But at my lowest,
I saw,
Permit me,
I heard.
I heard a tree whose branches were vocal chords
That reached deep within my soul, Picking up what was left of my shattered heart,
Putting together the fragments,
Whilst gently soothing the numbness away.
The why,
I place before you now.
Because my love is too clingy,
Too obsessive and possessive,
My love is too perfecting and too "magic"
To have thrown back in my face.
Yet somehow I found myself,
Preciously astounding as I be,
Two sizes too small for my ball gown to a dance with the prince
Yet some place deep within me where impossible is unknown,
I made a vow
That I would get my cinderella story.
So in distorted thrill,
I woke up
And off with me he was walking. Further and further
I saw myself moving from myself.
But where was I supposed to go, If not with him?
He could have easily been stopped
But the one who had me
Didn't even know he had me
So the redundance of stopping him was not an option.
Purely delusional!
I was,
Like an uncultured monkey,
Moon walking on a razor blade,
Whilst building sand castles in the air
And hoping gravity would be lenient. What madness.
But sometimes,
Madness is a choice,
Like the the decision I made to allow him to walk off with me,
Despite his oblivion of his possession of me.
And now,
I've got to find my own way home.
Because you see,
This type of love is magic
And maybe I was just never a magician. Or perhaps cupid ran out of arrows
And hence it was bullets he shot at me,
Leaving me curled up on a cold stone floor,
And gasping for air in a vacuum,
Whilst fantasising about a future
I'm not even certain I desire