I'm Back!.....
Read Count : 142
Category : Articles
Sub Category : Miscellaneous
Dear Readers,
Sorry for the long wait y'all did! Before the update went out I couldn't publish any books so I had to wait for the Mr. Moss to do the update. (Once again thank you!) But while waiting we went through some SC State Testing for two weeks and I did very well on all of them! So...... -drum roll please-..... I PASSED 7TH GRADE! That's right, I'm going to the 8th grade!
A few other things, I'm doing a new series but I'm not telling y'all what it is. But here is a hint: Turtles. But just how Wolf's Life is based on my child hood and friends, so is the new series but with a twist- it's about my pets. Until then... EXPRESS YOUR SELF!
- Jacob E. Adams
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