Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
I'm an here. Just barley. I am no longer living. I am just breathing. I am sitting here forcing myself to type this, therefore I am bored. I may continue to do this until my fun comes. That could take a while. I could do something. I could go first a jog. Why though, what's the point in that? Right, I forgot. I can't. I must sit here. I must wait. Wait for what? Oh God, I don't know. The clock is ticking. It's loud. Loud. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. I'll turn the clock off. No more noice. What time is it though? How long have I been waiting. 1 hour. 1 day. 1 year. Forever as it seems. I can't sit anymore. I'll lay down, I guess. Now I feel tired. I'm tired of waiting. I'll turn the clock back's something to do, I guess. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. I'll close my eyes. No. I must stay awake, and wait. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. So tired now. I'm closing my eyes now. I'm asleep now. Sleeping. Not tired. Not bored. Asleep.
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