Secrets Read Count : 147

Category : Books-Fiction

Sub Category : Fantasy
                                                   Chapter One

Lily Cameron a single mother with two daughters she had bright auburn hair,Green emerald eyes and a Friendly Smile.Her first daughter Alexandra Cameron She had Pinky dark hair and a bit of red at the end of her hair.Also she had a beautiful green magical emerald eyes she was 9 years old and on her cheek a Moon burned mark.Lastly, her last daughter Alexa Cameron She has pinky curly hair ,but bright then a sun burned Mark too also the same kind of eyes as Alexandra!

One stormy night Alexandra packing all of her things into a suitcase speedily...Her mother Lily heard all of the noise upstairs with her 8 year old daughter :Alexa.Lily was about to get on the stairs ,but instead she saw her oldest daughter then the mother said"Don't tell me you are leaving..."
"Mum... I have to I always wanted this Dad wanted this for me...Is my only chance..." replied Alexandra ."At least can she go  with you?"The Mother told."She of coursly can the letter said I could bring her there!""But her suitcase I am going to be late!" Alexandra said worriedly."DONT worry I 've packed everything Bye!"Lily said."Bye Mother!"Both of the daughters shouted.The Academy they were going to was a magical one it was called:Galaxy Academy.The head teacher is Miss Galaxy the academy wasn't a wizard one .There was a very surprising secret about them that their mother knew, and she didn't told them.In the academy they would find all of the answers...

                                                 Chapter Two

Ten years later...Alexandra was 19 years old that year ,and Alexa 18.Alexa and her sister were really good at magic.Also ,their dorm mates were sisters too they were called Amanda Gray and Crystal Gray.However, Madam Promfey the future queen you might say was always extremily rude to them her daughters were the same they were  going to be the princesses of Moon and Sun,but there was a past story about the real princesses ...

20 years before...There was a giant crash in the Moon and Sun palace, King Sun called Lucas Cameron was protecting their daughters and his wife.He told her"Go with them!GO!" "But you are going to die here I can't leave you!" His wife shouted."I said,GO!"Lucas shouted.As his wife ran away,there was a loud"CRASH!" Then when the police,ambulance and fire men were there they saw the king...He was...He was dead...When the Queen heard the bad news she was thinking about living somewhere alse with her daughters ,and keeping it as a secret...


  • Amirah Bibire

    Amirah Bibire

    Please tell me what Alexandra and Alexa's secret is!

    May 28, 2017

  • Amirah Bibire

    Amirah Bibire

    Read the first paragraph what do they have on their cheeks?

    May 29, 2017

  • May 27, 2017

  • May 27, 2017

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