Failure.. Can Change The Life.. Read Count : 137

Category : Articles

Sub Category : Motivation

Failure..  What to say about failure..  Failure comes in all the life..  😬😬..  Actually the words failure is big to all the people..  But failure can only teach us lesson..  When we fail in exam..  We get depression.  Due to worring about marks and all..  But I want to say that why we go in depression then we are big looser because we don't except the reality In the life..  We start worring about what will our parents say to us what will people say to us..  But u kn when we get fail In our exams then we started saying that all is over now..  There are example.  First of all when I get in fail in exam I also was in badly Condition I loose my one year because I get fail In exam I was also in same situation what parents will say what people will say..  But after few days later some of people started asking me what happens  how do u get fail..  In that exam I only gave one answer yes I am fail in exam yes.. I loose my one year..  Then I said them these is not my last chance..  Apportunity will come again again.... 😁😁😊.. Then also I didn't loose my hope I reapet again one year diploma I have started doing studies all the time..  Then after my exams when I see my result again then again it comes fail..  So I was now hapless loose all hopes..  I was in tension that what will all say to me because I get fail again.. I loose my year again..  After some time again people start asking me what happen about u r result..  I said I get fail again  then they stared laughing at me..  But after some time I realize that I had question in my mind how can I loose my two years ''s in diploma then my heart gave answer me because u where doing diploma because all was saying u do diploma in computers science then do engeering and have a good job ahead..  But I asked myself is I am happy..  Then I realize that for others I was doing diploma..  Because parents was telling me u will have a good future a head..  From that failure I have learn that..  Padna hai toh us padai me interest hai isliye pado varna agar particular ese hi karan hai Mujhe acche marks niklane or job karna hai age..  Toh mat karo kuki apko jisme interest woh cheez karo jisme interst nhi woh cheez mat karo..  Kuki ap usme kabi age nhi ja paoge.. Then i realize that failure teach us a good lesson in life..  And I believe that we should get fail In our life then only we can start excepting all the challenges in life.. See the failure teaches us  a lesson..  2..  We started excepting all the challenges in life..  3 we don't startthinking about what will people say.   4..  We start thinking about ourself..  And our career..  5 we become a strong person to fight all the promblems.. 6..  Failure teaches to love our self..  7 because of failure. We can face every person and every situation in life..  8 because of failure we take a every day as a challenge  and every situation as a goal..  To find a way from it..  9 because of failure we take every single situation as a opportunity..  10 because of failure.. We started our loving our life..  So these are the good things which happen due to failure..  So gyzz plz take failure as a challenge..  Bez I have been fail in life because of that I have learn more things..  So I could say that failure can change life..  Failure can teach the value of life..  And I thing failure is important in life to understand the life.   So I have shared my good experience about my life these failure I have changed my life... 😁😁😊😊..  So plz take failure as good not as bad thing  in life..  Yes failure is a good and it has change my life.... 


  • Thku

    May 30, 2018

  • Jun 10, 2018

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