Category : Diary/Journal
Sub Category : N/A
Nightmares are common but why are they? What are your nightmares? Is it not being able to breathe in crowds? Is it darkness and the unknown? Daytime you feel great but during the night your mind is controlled by memories, fear and thoughts.
Everyone is different in many ways but at night they get more similar. Some get crushed by figures that make them paralyzed and others dream and aren't afraid but still wake up sweating as if they ran a marathon to get away. Others might say they are more curious in the dream to find out why they are being haunted by this nightmare they are in.
I can say i get these nightmares often that i don't see them as more than a challenge to find out answers to why im here to see this particular nightmare and i have fun. Never found answers but it doesn't mean its time to quit.
I believe dreams tell you things. Good and bad but both have answers that sometimes you don't have questions for. Imagine your worst fear but also imagine it being helpful and a friend. I think that's what a nightmare is and i believe people have multiple nightmares and believe fear and nightmares are not connected but believe they are similar. Insomnia is difficult to deal with but if you include thoughts you realize it keeps it alive asking why is this a thing and why its attacking now. So you do things to try to set it free until it falls asleep. I often experience this but I've gotten used to it. I don't question why anymore, i let it happen and pass by.
Everyone's nightmares are different because everyone has different fears, thoughts and memories. I don't do research so i say this from my experience and say what i think about it. What is some of your nightmares and fears?.
My fear is heights and my nightmare is being suffocated either by figures crushing me or having a panic attack in crowded situations.
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