We Used To Be Friends... Read Count : 181

Category : Blogs

Sub Category : Self Help

To my old friend 

I never asked for a face like mine, i never asked for bever teeth. I never asked for you to use me, i never asked for you to treat me the way you do. I always thought you were so kind. When people told me mean things that you've done, i didn't believe them. Only now, i wish I did. You used me to show how powerful you were... you talked crap about me behind my back. I always believed you were kind, even when others told me you were cruel. Then you wrecked it all. You broke my trust. You broke my heart... And your way of apologizing is just to break it more? I felt like a nobody, like i was a waste of space. Only people helped me through it, when you were standing in the corner laughing and gossiping about me to your friends. I hope nobody makes the same mistake I did... And I feel bad for you, that everyone hates you, and you think your so popular. But your not, you are the exact opposite of popular, i hope you know what you've done, becuase I'm pretty sure people are going to help you when you figure it out. I will though, when I know for sure that you've changed for the better...


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